Escape To Be Happy

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This is pretty simple game so description will be little too.


You are one of the guys which were teleported to the evil land, the place which looks like hell, but its not the worst place in the universe. The only creature is living in this place is the black entity. Its dangerous for you, run away as soon as you can before it will get you. To open portal back, you need to collect 18 crystals.

Target and gameplay

If the black entity will be too close to you - you will be switched to main menu. Who knows what this entity can do with your body. You always need to run, but you can find save places anyway, explore and this game will not be painful. In the beginning the black entity spawns really close to you, run as soon as you can. You need to collect 18 crystals, they are placed everywhere. Even in the place called "out of the map". The evil land is basically island, you can do that, but dont fall down.


This game have hard-coded controls.

WASD - movement

Shift - running

Left Control - crouching

Space - jumping

To collect the crystal just go as close as you can.


This game is really experimental and its not following even basic rules of game design, level design and other things. This can be interesting experience, but not a good one. I wish you luck to survive and collect all the crystals, because no one collected all of them.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Dec 14, 2020

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