Ethernous (Demo)

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This is the result of a project from a course I took on Udemy. I got a lot of lessons about the basic mechanics of games with the Metroidvania genre guided by the great instructor James Doyle.

This game uses free assets by ANZIMUS and although with direction from James Doyle, I'm fixing some features that I think are appropriate. Please note that this project is only a demonstration of the results of my lessons and not all of it is based on directions from the course that I studied, feel free to explore and if you want to play a game that has a long duration, then this project is not suitable because this game is my portfolio as a game programmer to show the public the mechanics I've learned with Unity.

Thank you for taking the time to try out the final result of my project, and in the near future I will use this project as my dictionary in developing even better games. I hope my friends here can provide input and feedback on this game project.

Here's a list of the features I added:

- Created a type of enemy walker that not only patrols from point to point, but also chases the player if the distance between the player and the enemy is close.

- Create a main menu intro that has visual animation.

- Created a squid-type enemy that doesn't just patrol. but chase and if it is close to the player, then the enemy will self-detonate.

- Adjusted the collider formed composite by ANZIMUS assets.

- Fixed a bug where if the full map is opened, then the player opens the pause menu and presses the resume button, the player can move freely while opening the full map. Supposedly when opening the full map, the game state will freeze and players are free to view the map and avoid ongoing enemy attacks.

- Fixed a bug where if the player has taken a health pickup item, and continues to the next scene level, then if the player returns to the previous level area, the health pickup will reappear. This is capable of creating health item pickups that will appear indefinitely even though they have been picked up.

- Added escalator features that move players, gates that limit players, and doors that can return players to the main menu.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Mar 3, 2023

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