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The goal for having FADE in early access is to get player feedback on the combat system and design further features based around the feedback. By taking opinions on actual gameplay I can adjust players starting stats and level gaining accordingly to better balance the game for a smoother experience. There is no intention of including an easy or hard mode so it is important that all of the content is well balanced for consumption upon full release.


More so there is a great importance to game feel and the more feedback acquired the more I can improve the game as a whole. For example after playtesting after the first variant of the game, camera shake and other effects have been acted to make the combat even more impactful. Some KEY gameplay features are still being tweaked alongside additional controller support and UI modifications to improve the overall player experience. More time would be necessary to provide full controller support and also to ensure a full gameplay experience. Lastly more content is still in the works for the game. I am devoted to making sure the game is in its best state upon release. This includes:

  • 10 New Armor Sets
  • New Boss Enemy Models
  • New Shield Designs

Once all of these features have been implemented and balanced properly further iteration will be made to make sure that their placement in the game maintains the smooth balance of difficulty.

When purchasing this game in early access one can expect to get an often updated and fleshed out combat system with upcoming new features. Once purchased you will already have access to an early slice of the game and once the updates have been made and the game has been completed you will have access to the rest of the quest and the games map.”

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

“Certain things need to be accomplished in order to break out of this goal. The expected time is to conclude after these features have been completed: Full Controller Support, New Menus, Online Vengeance System. That being said, we currently estimate the Early Access time to be 8 months. This will provide all the time needed to settle things and implement more locations and content into the game to complete the full game.”

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

“The Complete version will allow the player complete access to the games main quest line, so they would be able to complete the game and get access to the rest of the game. Also in the complete version the as before mention features will be available. Full controller support is important for a players experience and choice of options. Lastly the Vengeance system will allow players utilizing the game on twitch to have special interactions with their fanbase in game.”

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

The combat system is almost completely fleshed out and only minor changes to it are planned ahead. Also additional features are being added each week to further ready the game for its full release.

  • Dialogue System
  • Quest System
  • Gathering/Crafting System
  • Base RPG systems
  • Boss System
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

“We plan to gradually raise the price as we ship new content and features.”

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process? YOUTUBE:

Weekly we have begun posting devlogs seeking out player feedback on certain features on our youtube page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG168K3XifgbiN-NjcYm5zQ?view_as=subscriber


Also a reddit page has been constructed as well to keep track of player feedback and possible bugs: https://www.reddit.com/r/FadeTheFirstChapter/

Release date
Knight by Night
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 12, 2022

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