Falling Apart (Team GD6, GhoulishWriter, LopezJ2552, 한일월, Jemon Golfin)
"Falling Apart" is a 2D, virtual, endless-runner game in which the player, a Ninja, must traverse up the sides of buildings to reach their angry girlfriend, while avoiding the various household objects she thrown down towards him.
Find a way to reach your girlfriend or risk your relationship falling apart!
This is a mobile game, playable on Android devices via the .apk file. The only mechanical control is the Jump button, which must be tapped.
Team GD6
- Declan Ford (Programmer, Marketing)
- Januarie Geffrard (Artist, UI)
- Jemon Golfin (Producer, Programmer, UI)
- Javier Lopez (Artist, Audio, UI)
- Bryce Lush (Artist, Animator)