Far Cry 5 reviews

Amazing open world and crazy idea. Crazy cultists chasing hero on planes. Cheesburger bear for hire. Super!
«Can’t stop playing»
«Better with friends»
If you play alone, everything is OK but the co-op is awful. That’s strange because Ubisoft promoted the multiplayer as one of the main game’s features. However, they failed: the guest doesn’t have item progressions and it totally ruins the game. Ubisoft needs to fix it and quickly because now the co-op doesn’t really make sense.
Who needs guns when you have a shovel? It’s really an ultimate weapon in Far Cry 5. No animals or humans will escape from your little smiling friend. If they start running, just throw the shovel - the accuracy is the same but no bullet wasting! Take up to nine shovels and go hunting. Of course, you can also fight the cultists here but let’s be honest: years later the shovel will be everything to remember with a smile on your face.
«Blew my mind»
Gameplay? Great.
Story? Kill everyone involved lest they ever get near a script again.

As soon as I get done scooping up achievements while they're still rare, I'm going back to Far Cry 4.
«Disappointment of the year»
«Waste of time»