Average Playtime: 5 hours

FARIA: Ghosts of the Stream

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Who knows when the desire first beguiled young Fiona Lightspyre; lesser known is even why she harbored the urge? In the quaint village of Lillybrook, burrowed within the southeastern corner of the Forest Realm of the Aerith, the Brackenbrook river flows. Other than its length, it is neither remarkable in breadth nor flow. Yet despite this, Fiona always cherished the desire to one day follow it up north to espy its source and witness where such a stream might originate.

At the age of seventeen, like it does to most young Akita such as herself, the Song of the Wild trumpets her name. No tragedy or impending doom catalyses her desire to roam and as such, it is a grand yet delightfully light-hearted adventure that awaits our doe-eyed heroine in those untamed and unbridled wilds. Join Fiona and discover the thrill of such a voyage as you make acquaintances, forge friendships and venture headlong into lands largely unknown to you both.

. Lengthy 6+ hours campaign; longer if you examine the environment, exhaust dialogue options and read lorebooks.

. No combat, no gameovers, no stress.

. Engage in various puzzles.

. Meet and befriend a colourful cast of characters from varying races as you travel north.

. It boasts a charming artstyle, vivid with colours. It's cute, easy-on-the-eyes but sharp as an Astralite blade @ 1080p w/ 60fps.

. The maps are painstakingly detailed and immaculately drawn; all unique and brimming with awe.

. A lighting system to create pitch-dark caverns, mines and nighttimes. Take care of that lantern!

. Steam trading cards are available, featuring adorable chibi-art renders of game's characters.

. A further array of badges, backgrounds and adorable emotes are up for collection!

. There is full support for a variety of control inputs such as M&KB, gamepads and even touch-screen.

Life within The World and the Kingdom of Faria is good. There are no such things as brigands, political corruption, racial segregation, poverty or even kin-slaying; The World is a happy place and the aim of the game is to put a smile on the player's face. With a healthy dose of humour to accompany its adventurous antics, the game should prove for a heart-warming journey.

That being said, the freepeoples aren't entirely safe. Fell beasts are known to prowl and lurk within the lesser-tread lands but despite this, no great harm is set to befall The World; there are no world-saving deeds to be performed! This is an intimate tale free from the shackles of typical RPG cliches. Serving as an introduction to The World, this game will set the stage for FARIA to weave further tales and to ultimately build up a nice little fiction where players can always come to if they're in need of a mood-booster.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP and up
  • Processor: 1.4GHz Dual Core CPU
  • Memory: 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Any; the game is not graphics intensive.
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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FARIA: Ghosts of the Stream reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
FARIA: Ghosts of the Stream-a game made on the engine RPG Makere, but unlike other games of this genre, there is no Boevka. You simply travel the world, exploring it and enjoying the scenery. In the course of the journey lead dialogues with different Niches and rejoice in the non-bad humor, which is present in the game. The Whole story is basically transmitted to us through travels and dialogues. The Graphics are standard for RPG Maker, but it should especially emphasize the excellent detail of Modelek characters. The Musical game is decorated elegantly, all saundy emphasize the atmosphere of each particular location. For full immersion in the game you must own a good level of knowledge of the English language. I advise you to Play through the controller, which fortunately is fully supported. The Game has collectible cards, but unfortunately there are no achievements (can eventually fix it). The Price of the game is quite justified.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Product received for free Don't play with mushrooms Usually on the engine RPG Maker'a created, oddly enough, RPG (most often Japanese). However, this game is most likely an adventure simulator walk. And all because there are no battles in the usual for this genre of games. If They are, it is only in the form of small catscenes. And this, in a compartment with frequent jokes, makes the game perfectly calm and even funny. The Main character, Fiona, decides to leave home and go to travel the world. Early in the morning, at dawn, after saying goodbye to the family and neighbors, she goes on a journey. After that we equally feel ourselves both as a player and a spectator. The Gameplay, in general, boils down to simple movement. There are very few Interactive items in the world, but you will be informed about them in the dialog box. The Rest of the game-dialogues and cutscene. Make a variety of walks and complement the game. There Are funny characters and frequent jokes. Graphically, the game is done well, but this applies to a greater extent to static objects. For few dynamic (characters, visual effects of the type of leaves) look on their background too juicy and stand out, instead of merge and do not form a single picture. It seems that it is two, such a poorly superimposed layer. I can only say good words about sound. Music is diverse, emphasizes the situation and greatly helps to create an atmosphere of the current location and situation on the screen. + "Easy" game, in the sense that passes without nerves. We just go with the Stream + soundtrack + dialogues + non-standard (at least for me) type of game, made in PRGM-basically "empty" locations-the visual difference between the characters and the environment On the output get such a pixel simulator walk with a light Storyline and understandable gameplay.
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