Fighting Souls
Fighting Souls is a turn based battle game made by Raffe and JustMars, for Ludum Dare 43. You fight against creatures, and at the end you will face a final boss. You can switch between 4 characters, and use different spells, powers and other epic things, to try and beat monsters and finally the game.
- You need to sacrifice characters, to be able to make it to the end.
- RED attack buttons deal more damage than GREEN attack buttons, but you can only use the RED ones once per battle.
- There are two INSTAKILL powers in the game. You will figure those out when playing...
- The game is spiced with lots of humorous powers, voice acting and animations.
- We were in a lot of hurry in the end balancing and doing the most important stuff, so we didn't have time to make any detailed textures or models. Still we think the mechanics and characters turned out fine.
- Move: A & D, or arrow keys
- Move camera: Mouse while holding right or middle click
- Zoom: Scroll wheel
- Change character: Number keys (1-4) or clicking on icons (only in battle)
- Attacks: X & Z (only in battle) or clicking on the attack buttons
Changes in version 1.01:
- Fixed Agent's icon not showing up
- Added icon for the executable
- Reduced file size