Fix it !
Global Game Jam 2020 !
Hello everyone !
This game was developed during the GGJ 2020 on the theme "repair" ! In this prototype you can play against your friend in an arena and try to repair more things than him ! You will have to collect pieces, dispatched in the arena, in order to repair your current object, given by the crowd in the background (that cheers you up !). The first to complete 3 objects wins !
Controls :
NamePlayer 1Player 2
Move left
qLeft arrow
Move right
dRight arrow
JumpzUp arrow
InteracteNumpad 0
/!\ This game is a prototype and was developed under a week-end, it isn't finished but it gives a good idea about what we wanted to do for this jam ! /!\
Credits :
Game Developers : Hyrastios, Rascaleuh, Skyde
Sound Designer : Chancedechauve