Average Playtime: 5 hours

Prison Architect

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Prison Architect is a person construction and management simulator developed by Introversion Software.

It is a two-dimensional top-down simulator where it is the player's responsibility to build new prison blocks, cells, facilities, manage the staff such as wardens, guards and so on. The more staff hired - the more options does the player have while building the prison.

It is advised to complete the game's campaign first which also serves as a tutorial and consists of 5 parts. Each part of the campaign focuses on two game aspects and has its' own story told with Polaroid photos. The player can't lose the game in campaign mode as there are no failure conditions whatsoever.

Two more modes are present: Sandbox Mode and Escape Mode. There is no main goal in Sandbox Mode, so you basically can't win the game, but there are several failure conditions such as a riot or bankruptcy.

Escape Mode, on the other hand, has both winning and losing conditions. In this mode, you play as a prisoner making their escape causing the most destruction on your way out. Escape Mode starts automatically if you allow too many deaths in a short period of time in Sandbox Mode.

Release date
Double Eleven
Introversion Software
Introversion Software
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS:XP
  • Processor:Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Graphics:Nvidia 8600 / Radeon equivalent (2009 era)
  • Hard Drive:300 MB HD space

System requirements for macOS

  • Processor:2009 era Macbook Pro, Core2 Duo processor
  • Memory:4 GB RAM
  • Hard Drive:300 MB HD space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 12.04 or later
  • Processor: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4Ghz or Higher / AMD 3Ghz or Higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia 8600 / Radeon equivalent (2009 era)
  • Hard Drive: 300 MB HD space

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PlayStation 4

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

Epic Games
Xbox Store
Nintendo Store
PlayStation Store

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i built my own PRISON.. and they ESCAPED! | Prison Architect
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1,000,000 items
It's Not What You Know...
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... It's What You Can Prove
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Build a sandbox prison with 1000 prisoners
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D.B. Cooper
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18 items
Problem with events
Apr 15, 2023
Escape Artist Incident
Apr 15, 2023
what can be wrong here? I think it doesn't work
Apr 15, 2023
New to the game, help pls what to do?
Apr 16, 2023
Keeps crashing within minutes of loading up a prison
Apr 16, 2023
Fire alarm sound (Perfect Storm DLC)
Apr 16, 2023
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Prison Architect | Going greener! Weekly Madness
Prison Architect | Great Escape 4
Prison Architect Console | Weekly Stream
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116 items

Prison Architect reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
' Go to the Prison. Go straight there. Don't Go over Lot. Don't Pull in €4000. " This Set from a famous Game fits here, too, because after You have bought this Game, You have to build a Prison out of Nothing from which the Inmates cannot break out. With this You have built a Prison for yourself, from which You no longer break out, because the Game will captivate You so much. You have to meet the Needs of your Inmates and make sure they don't knock in You and the other Inmates. The better You do that, the higher the Chance that after they have served their Sentence, they won't become criminal again. An Inmate has a lot of Time. Time to Dig a Tunnel to freedom or smash the Doors outside or worry about taking The key off the Guard. Drugs and other dangerous Items are smuggled into the Prison. Tools or Cutlery are stolen and misused for Escape. The Inmates are very creative in The Escape Planning and You have to prevent that. Make sure the Inmates have a Chance to be resocialized in your Prison. Let them imitate your elementary or Secondary School Diploma. Help them with drug Withdrawal or treat their alcohol addiction or Aggressiveness. If they Have vocational Training as a Cook or Carpenter, they can work in the Prison Kitchen or the Prison Workshop and save valuable Staff, as well as in the Laundry or as Cleaners. They can spend the Money they earn in the Cash Shop. In the Prison Yard there is fresh Air and a little leakage/sports. During the Leisure Room there is Billiards or a TV. In the Chapel, the Inmates can pursue their Spirituality or, if they do not have one, attend Religious Instruction. Take care of Visiting Rooms and Phone Calls home. Early Dismissal with good Leadership is also possible and brings in additional Revenue. But woe the Food is not ready in time or there is no Water in the Cell or the Laundry is Dirty or the Shower is down. Expy for an Uprising. Some Inmates are not educable at all and will give You Hell. And woe Woe an Inmate gets from the Head boss over the Phone the order to kill one with caged crown Witnesses. You have to protect the Pits And former Convicted police officers from the other Inmates in another Cell tract. Oh, yeah, You have to build – as the Title of the Game says – also build the Prison. Is the Money provided by the State enough? And if so, is it enough to pay for the Staff, Food, Reform programs, Building materials, new Land, taxes, Inventory or Power and water Pipes? The Staff also has their Needs and if they are not satisfied, then the Work is not done sufficiently or the Guards become Corrupt. You won't be able to go back in this Game under any Circumstances, something is always happening somewhere that You didn't foresee in your Planning at all. The Game was already awesome in the alpha version and every Month new Aspects have been added, which were explained in detail by the Developers personally in Video Blogs. Now that the Game is finished, it's already very complex. And if you still want Variety: Build a Women's Prison ... With Kindergarten. Or try to break out of your Prison as an Inmate. A 3D mode is hidden deep. And the Inhuman among You can build a Death Row. You won't be able to go wrong with the purchase of this Game if You like simulation, construction, strategy and Sandbox Games.
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