Average Playtime: 5 hours

Project Highrise

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Just Updated - 13th Apr
if you’re not ready to “double down” on the Las Vegas expansion, quite a bit of new content has been added to the base game in version 1.5. Here are some highlights:
Mover’s office – Move things around your tower once you’ve built a mover’s office to coordinate and manage the process.
New tenants – New retail and restaurant tenants are now available.
New contracts – Take on new contracts from the city to earn extra resources to help build even more prestigious towers!
For more details please go here;
Notable Past Updates
We've had big updates before, but have we had 'tall' updates ;)
Our tallest update yet! 1.4.0 brings in a tall order of lobby options for your highrise.
Multiple two story lobbies
Multiple three story lobbies
Lobby art, to make those ceilings look bling bling
New Scenario
More wallpaper decorations
Increased expectancy of community support and love
(T&Cs apply, this is not a real feature)
For more details please go here;
Our biggest update to date! 1.3.0
New Additions including;
Rooftop Restaurants and Penthouse Apartments.
Winter Holiday Decorations.
Unlimited Mode.
New scenario
and more!
For more details please go here;
Was... Our biggest update to date! 1.2.0
New Additions including skybridges and cantilevered floors, plus Improvements and more!
For more details please go here;
The Spooky Update 1.1.1 is here!
Happy fall, everyone! Check out the new decorations we've added :) plus more!
For more details please go here;
Update 1.1.0 is here!
New items for your building, completely FREE!
For more details please go here;
À propos du jeu
Votre rôle d’architecte et de promoteur consiste à construire des gratte-ciel de renommée mondiale, des chefs-d'œuvre d’art et d’ingénierie qui feront l’envie de toute la ville. Mais un gratte-ciel est plus qu’une simple construction de verre et d’acier, c’est un écosystème complexe de personnes qui y vivent et y travaillent. C'est une machine complexe qui a besoin de votre aide pour fonctionner harmonieusement et efficacement.
Dès l’instant où le projet sera lancé, toutes les décisions vous appartiennent. En tant qu’architecte, vous devez coordonner la construction de tous les éléments, des murs aux câbles, en passant par les bureaux et les appartements. En tant que propriétaire de l’immeuble, vous devez garder vos locataires heureux et vous assurer qu'ils paient leur loyer à temps. En tant que promoteur averti, vous devez avoir l'œil sur les profits et investir dans l'avenir. Réussissez et vous récolterez les récompenses d’une adresse prestigieuse où tout le monde souhaitera vivre et travailler. En cas d’échec, vos locataires dégoûtés quitteront les lieux en prenant leurs commerces avec eux, laissant votre réputation en lambeaux.
Allez-vous créer un complexe de bureaux qui attirera les chefs d’entreprises des quatre coins du monde ? Construirez-vous des appartements de luxe dans le ciel, des penthouses pour l’élite et des aires de jeux pour les célébrités ? La cupidité l’emportera-t-elle, vous poussant à construire un immeuble qui échangera le bonheur de vos locataires contre de jolies sommes d‘argent ? Tous ces choix et bien d'autres sont à votre disposition. Le succès est entièrement entre vos mains.
Une simulation détaillée et complexe de gratte-ciel moderne
Une grande variété de locataires aux caractéristiques uniques, de restaurants aux bureaux, en passant par les magasins de détail et autres appartements résidentiels.
Un jeu ouvert de type bac à sable avec plusieurs niveaux de difficulté et conditions de départ qui vous permettent de construire le gratte-ciel de rêve qui surplombe la ville
Un mode campagne qui teste vos compétences de construction de gratte-ciel dans des scénarios difficiles
Mettez vos talents de gestion à l’épreuve en étant à l’écoute de la population de vos bâtiments et leurs demandes toujours plus exigeantes
Commandez les services de consultants spécialisés afin d’augmenter l’attrait de votre bâtiment, son efficacité opérationnelle et son influence sur les responsables municipaux

Release date
Kalypso Media
Kalypso Media Mobile
Kalypso Media, Kasedo Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for iOS

iPad Air, iPad Air Cellular, iPad Mini Retina, iPad Mini Retina Cellular, iPad Air 2, iPad Air 2 Cellular, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 3 Cellular, iPad Mini 4, iPad Mini 4 Cellular, iPad Pro, iPad Pro Cellular, iPad Pro 9.7, iPad Pro 9.7 Cellular, iPad 6 1 1, iPad 6 1 2, iPad 7 1, iPad 7 2, iPad 7 3, iPad 7 4, iPad 7 5, iPad 7 6, iPad 8 1 2, iPad 8 3 4, iPad 8 5 6, iPad 8 7 8, iPad Mini 5, iPad Mini 5 Cellular, iPad Air 3, iPad Air 3 Cellular

System requirements for PC

Minimale :
  • Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 or later
  • Processeur : Core i5
  • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : Integrated video (Intel HD 4000 or later), 1 GB shared memory
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
  • Notes supplémentaires : Display: 1280 x 720
Recommandée :
  • Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 or later
  • Processeur : Core i7
  • Mémoire vive : 4 GB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : Dedicated video, 1 GB VRAM
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
  • Notes supplémentaires : Display: 1920 x 1080

System requirements for Android

4.3 and up

System requirements for macOS

Minimale :
  • Système d'exploitation : OS X 10.11 or later
  • Processeur : Core i5
  • Mémoire vive : 2 GB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : Integrated video (Intel HD 4000 or later), 1 GB shared memory
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
  • Notes supplémentaires : Display: 1280 x 720
Recommandée :
  • Système d'exploitation : OS X 10.11 or later
  • Processeur : Core i7
  • Mémoire vive : 4 GB de mémoire
  • Graphiques : Dedicated video, 1 GB VRAM
  • Espace disque : 500 MB d'espace disque disponible
  • Notes supplémentaires : Display: 1920 x 1080
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 10, 2024

Where to buy

Epic Games
PlayStation Store
App Store
Google Play

Top contributors


3 edits


1 edit
I Built a 1000 Story Skyscraper and it Broke Reality - Project Highrise
Apr 6, 2019
JACKABOY HEIGHTS | Project Highrise #1
Sep 18, 2016
BUILD EM UP | Project Highrise #2
Sep 23, 2016
I Built 1000 Stories Below Ground and it Broke the Earth - Project Highrise
Apr 19, 2019
Nerd³ Plays... Project Highrise - Erections
Aug 22, 2016
Project Highrise Review: A SimTower Successor?
Sep 6, 2016
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445,875 items
Scenario Master
Earn a gold medal in ten scenarios
The King of Cool
Have a building using 100 HVAC connections
Full House
First guest checks in to the honeymoon suite
Double Down
Started an event at the convention hall
Poker Face
Started an event at the concert hall
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88 items
Project Highrise | Las Vegas Teaser Trailer
Project High Rise Lets Play Pt. 3
Another Project Highrise Chillax Strim - Happy Murican Turkey Day
View all streams
126 items

Project Highrise reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
(Almost) Everyone knows the Classic Sim Tower And probably sought it out the same as I did. And this over many, many Years, as it was a very timeless game with a long-term Fun Factor! And it feels The same way for Project Highrise. Even the first Look into the Game brings back Memories of the Classic, so I will build my Review a little on the Comparison of the two very similar Games. You start with a small Hobby, a Building Office and some Distribution Boxes. And you can already see two "Extensions" in Contrast to Sim Tower. Floors and Rooms can only be built by a Worker setting them up. They no longer arise out of Nowhere. And Micromanagement is also being intensified. This means that Electricity, Gas, Water, Telephone lines and Cable Connections must be laid and managed. There are not enough Power Boxes in the Basement, the Light goes out very quickly. And tenants and Employees don't like that At all. Angry Residents quickly move out, immediately damaging the Tower's Reputation. In Project Highrise, many Things are more complex than in Sim Tower. Some, but also easier. There are various Blueprints that can be set for free. Only then, depending on whether the Requirements in the Tower are met, can the Equipment be chosen. And once this is decided, the Player can pick a Rental Party and "sign a Contract." Here, care must be taken again to ensure that all the Needs of this Party can also be met. Be it the Plumber for the Apartment or the Copy Service for the Office person. And even there, there are still Differences. For example, a Lawyer's Office wants services other than an Artist'S office. And it's only after those Steps are done that there's the first Revenue. Until then, there are only Costs, which can cause Problems with a tight Purse. While There is the Possibility to Flush a little Extra Money into the Cash Register by reusing or Performing certain Tasks, there are no unlimited Possibilities here either. Garbage Bins must be set up (Beware stinks!), Distribution Boxes are distributed and connected On the floors, Elevators serviced (if they also manage their Journeys alone and no more Intervention is required here), Warehouses for the Supermarkets must And much, much more. Project Highrise is quite complex in this Respect and thus also offers the Possibility to penetrate deeper into the Management of the Building. And if you still Feel like it, you can design the Lobby freely according to your Wishes! An Armchair here, this Wallpaper there and this expensive Painting there. So the Tower quickly feels a bit more personal. By Collecting so-called points of influence and tamtam, you can advertise your Tower through Marketing Campaigns or upgrade certain Special Offices. So you quickly reach one star at a Time and unlock more And more rooms and Objects to build up to 120 Floors up to 120 Floors with your Tower. All in All, Project Highrise is a very successful and fun Game. All those who have loved Sim Tower will also be very happy with this, and for everyone else it is definitely worth looking Into the Game!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I have been playing for several hours now, and to say it would be boring or bad would not do the game justice, and yet I have already played games with much more passion. But what really disturbed me was the fact that building mens is always in the way, that should be solved urgently differently. And I think the price is way too high, considering the fact that many levels have to be bought separately. I would buy it again, but not for 5.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Finally, someone has once again created a simulation where you can strengthen your gray brain cells. I have no idea why there are no comments here yet. Perhaps today's players almost only want violent games. In this really great simulation, you can create something and learn about logistics. The game does not stop, it's super fluid and makes a lot of fun. Here, the little leisure architect can let off steam. Also, the price of the game and the cost of the app skid I think ok. Comparatively other games are a lot more expensive. And the complexity of the simulation shows which programming work is in here. For me, this app is the app of the year. I recommend to the programmer to offer a small demo version so that people can try out how great this game is. This simulation excites in the long term.
Translated by
Microsoft from French
The game keeps its promises for a very low price. Rejuvenation is present because of the possibility of personalization pushes buildings (residential, offices, high-end, high, wide, etc.). The scenarios offer a real challenge and sandbox modes allow an appreciable freedom, while proposing different modes of difficulty and different building frames. It should be noted, however, that the campaign provided only offers a dozen scenarios (according to the description of each, there seems to be an order in the realization of scenarios, but we can start with the last ...). Several other campaigns are proposed, but need to pay between 1 and 3 euros each. We would also have preferred a little more end-of-game content, especially in the use of influence (we do too quickly turn around). But 5 canvases because the game has a long basic life, presents a real challenge and is deep enough to warrant that we go after the construction of his tower. To see for everyone if the additional scenarios really justify additional purchases.
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