Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy

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For Edward to possess the Philosopher's Stone, he has to go through the
evil Homunculi in the first Fullmetal adventure for Nintendo DS!


Six playable characters: Edward or Alphonse Elric, Roy Mustang, Alex
Louis Armstrong, Izumi and Scar

Perform devastating melee and combo attacks

Release powerful alchemy attacks with the Nintendo DS touch screen

Explore the Fullmetal Alchemist story that features the same voice
cast from the Cartoon Network TV series

More than 10 touch screen mini-games, including “Whack-A-Homunculus”
and “Fullmetal vs. Flame”

Tons of unlockable content including talking character alarms, image
galleries, and video and sound libraries

Who knew science kicked so much butt? Brawling is the formula for
Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy, a side-scrolling action game that
puts players in the role of Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist, on a
journey to combat the evil Homunculi and acquire the fabled
Philosopher’s Stone.

Alchemy might be hard, but controlling Fullmetal Alchemist is easy. You
press A to attack and B to jump. Players can execute different attack
combos, but make no mistake: the game's formula calls for tons of

The most valuable attacks come from the DS touch screen. Each of the six
playable characters have special attacks, and to activate them, all
you'll need to do is touch the appropriate icon on the touch screen.
Edward, for example, can put up walls and produce an explosion from a
cannon. To activate these attacks, you'll just need to touch the
respective icon.

As you fight through each level, you'll occasionally come across
touch-screen challenges. You won't need to do this on-the-fly, which is
important to note. The game will stop and let you prepare for the
challenge. In one challenge, for example, you'll need to untie a
kidnapped person.

Bottom Line
Although this game will mainly appeal to Fullmetal
Alchemist fans, those who like brawlers should give it a look.

System requirements for Nintendo DS

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Last Modified: Dec 7, 2022

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

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6 edits

Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy reviews and comments

7.5/10 - Another good game based on anime, a very good beat n' up from the anime FullMetal Alchemist, the classic one, not the Brotherhood. Its cover the entire anime series. The sprites are very well made, and you can plau with more characters than only with Ed and Al.
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