Future Past (BluApostrophe)
An evil Proffesor has just constructed a machine which can move all nonorganic matter back in time. How much and how fast? Noone knows yet what's the limit, as every move of Galactic Defence so far has been predicted. Until now. The managment gave you this top secret ship prototype, equipped with first ever long range Teleporter. They told you about the way it makes Proffesor unable to predict your location but you don't care. You only care that it DOES work and it will let you, the best Galactic Pilot, save our Universe!
Game created by:
Maciej Żak, Jakub Lubas, Kacper Bryła.
Game includes:
- Space!
- Shooting!
- Teleportation!
- Kind of alchemy...? (Ship upgrades!)
- Connection from past to the future!
Known bugs: After encountering boss you need to refresh the game to be able to start it over.
All graphic assets are made by Maciej Żak using Blender 3.0 (GNU GPL v2) & Gimp 2.10 (GNU GPL v3)
Font "futurepast" made by Maciej Żak
Music from upgrade screen "The Elevator Bossa Nova" by Bensound: WWW.BENSOUND.COM
Other music and sounds under: CC0 license from: WWW.FREESOUND.ORG