$1 Trillion Dollar Company!
As of 2018, no auto manufacturer has reached a $1 Trillion dollar market cap. You are an amazing CEO! Congratulations on being the first company ever to reach this mark!
You Won a Lawsuit!
They sue for damages. They sue for trauma. They sue for emotional pain and suffering. They sue for themselves and they sue for lost loved ones... And they get NOTHING!
Happy Birthday!
Your company is 100 years old!
100,000,000 Vehicles Manufactured!
You have manufactured over 100,000,000 vehicles while playing Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.
Random History
$2 Billion Yearly Profits Before 1980!
You’ve reached $2 billion in yearly profits before 1980. Inflation is driving up the costs, but you're managing grow faster!
Complete Offering
Your company has designed one vehicle of each vehicle type.
$250 Billion Dollar Company!
Very few companies have a $250 Bilion market cap. And only one auto manufacture as of this writing is anywhere close to $250 Billion. Congratulations, You would be considered the most valuable car company in the world!
$100,000,000 Market Cap!
Your company is worth $100,000,000 before 1920! Only a few vehicle manufacturers were able to reach this amount in this time period.
50%+ Effective Lobbying
Greasing the wheels of government, one politician at a time.
Protestors Targeted You
You hit a nerve and now anti-business types are protesting outside your doors.
1,000,000 Units In A Year!
You sold 1,000,000 vehicles of the same model in one fiscal year on Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.