100,000 Units In A Year!
You sold 100,000 vehicles of the same model in one fiscal year on Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.
1,000,000 Vehicles Manufactured!
You have manufactured over 1,000,000 vehicles while playing Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.
Initial Public Offering
Your company is now publicly traded!
1,000,000 Units To Date!
You sold at least 1,000,000 vehicles of the same model in a lifetime on Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.
You failed. Don't worry, 98% of companies do in their first few years of business. If it's any consolation, have an achievement.
50%+ Effective Marketing
You just need a spokesman in a turtleneck with a catchy phase to make billions! Hit 50% overall effectiveness in all the cities you market in.
Paid Off Debt!
See! We make good on our promises, Mr. Creditor.
Borrowed Money
You can never have enough money. We'll pay this back someday.
Italian Stallion
Starting in 1929, as an Italian company, produce only sports and super cars. And win 50 racing championships.
10,000,000 Vehicles Sold In A Year!
You sold 10,000,000 vehicles in a year while playing Base City, North America, Europe, or Classic Map.
Beat Antitrust Lawsuit!
You have shown that you are not abusing your monopoly powers or engaging in anti-competitive practices. At least that's what the jury thinks. In reality, your legal team is just really good at their jobs.
Ferdinand Porsche
Base City or Classic Map, Stuttgart German company. Starting between 1930-1935, win at least 3 German tank contracts by 1945, have at least 5 active rear engine, rear wheel drive vehicles, and sell 100,000 vehicles.