Gejak Board Visualizer
Use keys 1-4 to select move type
You can use it just as you would a real board!
Use the 1-4 keys to select your move type.
Hold R + click to retreat all archers
You have 3 archers to use. On any given turn you can either place a stone, place or replace* an archer, or retreat* all archers. Use the 1-4 keys to select your archer.
Once an archer is placed, it cannot be used again until it is removed from the board.
Archers can't be placed in the two leftmost files.
*You can replace an archer with a normal stone to regain access to the archer without giving up the tile. Do this by clicking on the archer.
*Or you can retreat all archers, leaving their tiles empty. Do this by clicking while holding R
When a column of pieces within a file is not sorted into 2 standalone color groups, conflict occurs, clearing all pieces except for the most recent places pieced in the conflict.
If the most recently placed piece is a stone it becomes the color of the side of the board it is on or does not change color if in the middle.
Winning and Losing
The game ends when three files are full or 1 tile away from being full. Whoever has the most pieces wins!