Gods VS AI (2022 Team 10)

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After AI took over the world, the world is in chaos. As humans developed smarter, stronger, and faster artificial intelligence, their own creations turned against them. War broke out, and humans were on the brink of destruction. That is, until AI tried to challenge the Greek Gods. They were struck down at first, and came to the aid of humans. Things were going well for a time, for some unknown reason the Gods lose their power and the machines start to take over once again. While you think about all of this, you are transported to a place in the sky, with no idea where you initially are. You are greeted by Zeus and told you are on Olympus, and have been sent here so a favor could be asked of you. You are told the reason why the Gods lost their power is because Zeus's lightning bolt was stolen, and the machines now have infinite power. You are offered Godhood and the chance to save the world in exchange for going to the machine's complex and stealing the lightning bolt back. You accept, and are sent to the complex to retrieve the bolt, and you must use skills you have picked up off the streets and the powers of the Gods to get the bolt back from the machines.

The main mechanic of our game is to collect the objects that have been granted to you by the Greek Gods and use them against your enemies. You also need to use your own hiding skills to remain unnoticeable (the red bar to the top left corner indicates whether you are detected by AI or not) until you reach the end and retrieve Zeus's lightning bolt. 


  • W = move left
  • S = move right
  • A = move forward
  • D = move backwards
  • E = interact with/collect Object
  • Space = jump
  • Ctrl (left) = crouch 
  • Shift (left) = run
  • 1-5 = use item (top row of keyboard)
  • Esc = pause/exit controls menu


  • Peter Schlueter
  • Arein Daralnakhla
  • Frederec Green
  • Maria Eradze

Background music/Preview cutscene/Art/Cover photo: done by team members (original work).

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Apr 29, 2022

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