Gun Locker

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Gun Locker is a platform run n' gun developed for the Bullet Hell Jam 2022, which theme was "Confined". The idea of the game is that the gun protagonist is able to lock the enemies and transform them into platforms to reach new places, or "clean" them out of the way to regain life if needed.

Notes about the browser version:

- Click to start the music;


Game Jam notes:

- Because I want to develop a full platformer game in the future, I'm using every chance I have to improve my coding in this type of this game, this is why I made a platfomer in a Bullet Hell Jam...

- And, for the same reason before, I took so much time polishing the jumping and the moving of the player that almost got me half of the jam into it, this is why other mechanics aren't polished enough.

- The A.I. of the enemies was a real good challenge, they aren't very smart, but was really fun to think how to create them, I'll work on this kind of enemy in the future soon.

- I wan't able to create SFX for the game because of the time, but if I keep working on it, it would be the first time I would do.

- This project made me see how much I have to learn about background art in 2D games, this is maybe the thing I most hated to create in this jam as well as the result.


Softwares used:

Engine: Unity

Coding: Visual Studio (C#)

Art: Procreate, Photoshop, illustrator

Music: Garage Band for Ipad (using apple loops)

Font: Iloopfont (made by me for the game Iloopnati )

Release date
Bruno Gat Car
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Apr 29, 2022

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