Halo Survive
Halo Survive tells the story of an abandoned soldier on an alien planet. You have to survive and find a safe place to take refuge… plus night terrors haunt you... Can you survive?
This soldier, along with his younger brother, enlisted in the army to protect planet Earth from the terrible alien invasion. In the army they taught him that soldiers were always united and always looked upon for others.
In this mission they send him and his younger brother to investigate a mysterious alien ring planet. Commanded by the captain and a second in command, they are attacked by mysterious aliens. However they manage to escape, but the soldier is seriously injured.
His captain decides to leave him behind and be cared for by his second in command, along with his younger brother. The soldier is seriously wounded, but little did he know that the captain gave the order to the second in command to kill him so that he would not be a “retard delay!” to the captain’s expedition.
They stab him and leave him for dead, they also kill his younger brother in front of his eyes. And the second in command leaves. A few hours later you can move and you have to seek shelter, before the aliens find you again!