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Red Faction

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The series of video games, known for the destructiveness of virtual environments. The action takes place at the end of the 21st century. Humanity has colonized Mars and now is extracting minerals that are no longer available on Earth. The player takes control over the miner who goes by the name Parker, and who helps rebel forces with the uprising against the evil Ultor Corporation. The latter is entirely out of hand and violates the fundamental human rights: does not provide workers food and medicine and treats miners as slaves.

The main game mechanics is the GeoMod technology, which allows players to extensively change the virtual environment. For example, with the help of explosives or other improvised instruments. Unavailable earlier freedom of action allowы players to complete levels non-linearly, and change them beyond recognition. The version for the PC included an additional level of Glass House, in which GeoMod's capabilities could be used in full, and a multiplayer with 25 maps.

Release date
THQ Nordic
THQ Nordic, THQ, Nordic Games, Nordic Games Publishing, Nordic Trolls, Graphsim Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature
DLC's and editions

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

  • Operating System: Windows® 2000/XP
  • DirectX Version: DirectX 8
  • Processor: Pentium II 400 MHz or greater
  • Memory: 64 MB RAM
  • Video Card: 3D Graphics Accelerator Card (8MB)
  • Sound: Direct X Certified audio hardware

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PlayStation 2

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Last Modified: Dec 5, 2024

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

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Backward compatible PlayStation 2 games on PS4/PS5
52 games
7 cakes
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Wreckin' it in Red Faction Guerilla
Apr 13, 2013
Red Faction's Destruction - Best Ever?
Nov 20, 2019
Red Faction 1 | Красный Копатель | Алый Майнкрафт
Jan 27, 2021
Red Faction: Armageddon Trailer (E3 2010)
Jun 10, 2010
Remembering Red Faction
Jan 7, 2022
PC Longplay [282] Red Faction
Jan 28, 2013
World of Lon...
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1,000,000 items
Uncontrolled Burn
Kill 50 enemies with the flamethrower.
This Is My World Now
Complete the campaign on Impossible.
Warlord of Mars
Complete the campaign on Hard.
Faction Leader
Unlock all other trophies.
Demolitions Enthusiast
Kill 25 enemies with a remote charge.
view all achievements
22 items
Even after 14 years, RFG is still awesome!
Mar 22, 2023
That's no truck, it's a battering ram!
Mar 24, 2023
Guys did you know that Jenkins can actually help you during heavy metal missions?(and he is unkillable)
Mar 29, 2023
Why won't new story missions unlock? I haven't even unlocked EOS yet... This is the re-mars-tered edition.
Apr 9, 2023
I want to try multiplayer
Apr 13, 2023
I need help with red faction guerrilla ps4 trophies
Apr 16, 2023
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Red Faction 1 - 21 Years Later (SUB GOAL)
Red Faction 1 - 21 Years Later (SUB GOAL)
Red Faction 1 - 21 Years Later (SUB GOAL)
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121 items

Red Faction reviews and comments

This game is a great example of good ideas not panning out well. The story is fairly underwhelming for the most part. It has strong parts in the beginning but thins out towards the end where everything seems to be rushed to completion. The gameplay is so uneven it borders on annoyance. At the start of the game I was constantly full up on health, armor and most ammo. After the first forced stealth section, which is a fucking crime in itself, I was also out of ammo and almost constantly getting one shotted. The accuracy for most guns is terrible which leads to a lot of wasted ammo. In the stealth sections if you get spotted all you are left with is a pistol which is the worst weapon so good luck surviving. I had a lot of trouble on the second stealth section as the safer way to get through is with a little mini quest that involves you transporting organs. This isn't explained well at all and in the end I couldn't figure out where exactly to go after reaching the operating room so I just went loud and got lucky. The game was slog for the most part and in the later half when you get more difficult enemies I ended up using the precision rifle almost exclusively because of its accuracy and damage. Which in itself is a shame because there are some interesting weapons that you just avoid because that is the best of the bunch. The boss fights are also awful. I had to retry the robot one multiple times as it glitched out once and the other times it would not follow me into the area you need to trap it. The others bosses have a bullet sponge shields before you can one shot them making them very uninteresting. The final nail in the coffin is at the last minute of the game they spring a bomb defusal minigame on you that has a minute timer. At no point was this in the game before so having to figure it out at the end like that so quickly was really not a great idea. Overall this is just something you can skip because it is very forgettable. I much prefer the sequel and Guerilla. 
«Game over at last!»
played on Ps2 just to see If i could use a mouse played a fair bit of time the contrll are bit clucnky but might have fun with that
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Tutorial seemed fine, I think the Game itself is probably still halfway playable today. But Since after 20 Minutes the first Total Failure was imminent and this left a processless Permanent tone In the System (until Restart), it sticks with it for me. What a pity.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
One of the best Retrogames on the Market. Did it for Playstation 2 at the Time and was just thrilled, thanks to the Geo-Mod Technology it was also possible to destroy almost everything in the Environment in Red Faction. Negative I can't say anything about this Game because you can't compare it to today's Games. The Graphics are certainly not the best, but by the Time They were simply the best.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I basically like Stories about Mars. I have always been fascinated by our neighbouring Planet. That's why I accessed "Red Faction." First, to the Craft. Unfortunately, the Graphics are already very much in the Years. You should also have a Taste for red-brown Colours. Except for the few Sections with Buildings, Spaceships and stations, one moves below or on the Surface of Mars. And that's just reddish brown, The Textures are mushy, the Animations wooden and the Design relatively unimaginative. In addition, without Tricks, you only get a Resolution of 1280x1024 Pixels. Even the Number of Opponents is absolutely manageable and something like a Boss Opponent can only be seen in the Game three Times. The Music is not very stirring, it is also used selectively, which often makes you fight in Silence in front of you. The Sounds don't rip you off the Chair either. Standard Ware. Bugs I didn't spot any. But You should be careful to save regularly (no Quicksafe). Once I got into a Situation where I had to flee in just a few Seconds, had only 9% Life and 4 Opponents got in the Way. Unfortunately, I saved by Quicksafe just before, which meant that I couldn't finish this Event alive. The Restart Option does not mean to restart the Level, but the complete Game!! Autosafe does not exist. A Car, by the way, doesn't. And now to the actual Reason of my Purchase. The Story. Unfortunately, I was completely disappointed with the Story. I find she's very predictable, the Characters are pale and you barely Get any Reasons about her. In Fact, there is nothing newsworthy about it. No WOW effect, no Twist, no Overuse, no Mystery. Even for an older Game, that's too little. The FPS rarely focus on the Story, I am already aware, but quite honestly-we all know that it is better. Unfortunately, there is no Recommendation from me. Let's see what Part 2 has to offer.
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