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Wolfenstein 3D

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Wolfenstein 3D is a first-person shooter developed by id Software. It is the third installment of the Wolfenstein game series and is one of the first FPS titles to be ever released.


The game is set during World War II. An American spy of Jewish descend, William Blaskowicz is captured by the SS while searching for intel on Operation: Eisenfaust. Blasko is held captive in the Wolfenstein castle which he later escapes, foils the Nazi plan and kills Adolf Hitler.


Wolfenstein 3D consists of three episodes, each of which are divided into 10 levels. Every level is some kind of labyrinth built up from rooms and open spaces that are divided by walls and doors. Moreover, on every level, there are secret rooms, that hold specific bonus items. At the end of each level, the players fight with a boss - a unique and buffed up enemy.

The game's art style is heavily inspired by the German bunkers of that era. Wolfenstein 3D is one of the first games to use 2.5-dimensional graphics to immerse the players.

The players are opposed by the SS soldiers, mutants, and guard dogs, which will attack the player only if they get in their line of sight. Several types of enemies can also react to the sounds of gunfire. It is possible to use stealth.

On their way, the players can find ammunition and weaponry, which are either placed on the floor or are taken away from the enemy corpses. The game features 4 weapons: a knife, a pistol, an MP40 SMG and a multi-barrel MG.

Release date
Bethesda Softworks
id Software
Nerve Software
Interplay Entertainment
Electronic Arts, Bethesda Softworks, Activison, Atari, Interplay Productions, id Software, 3D Realms, Empire Interactive, Apogee Software, MacPlay, Apogee, Imagineer, FormGen, Bam Entertainment, Imagineer Co.,Ltd., BAM! Entertainment, Logicware
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Jaguar

System requirements for 3DO

System requirements for SNES

System requirements for Classic Macintosh

System requirements for Game Boy Advance

System requirements for PlayStation 3

System requirements for Xbox 360

System requirements for PC

Minimum: A 100% Windows XP/Vista-compatible computer system

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for iOS

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Feb 17, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store
Xbox 360 Store

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Wolfenstein 3D reviews and comments

Interesting as an artifact and not much else. Played within the modern Wolfenstein games.
Obviously id took a huge step forward with this game, establishing the technological basis for the first person shooter genre. However, even a little time in game makes it clear they hadn't really figured out the gameplay yet. The mazelike design is endlessly frustrating, and the controls are archaic. I know I shouldn't judge the first attempt so much, but these flaws make it feel like it falls short of what it could have been with the same technology. 
My first FPS, passed down to me by my father. While the gameplay is simply unacceptable now, this game was one of the pioneers of 3d shooters.
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Microsoft from French
YOU WANT TO BE ABLE TO KILL HITLER AND HAVE A REPLAY OF THAT MOMENT IN IDLE? Posted: September 10, 2017 like a museum piece that we would strive to put back in its context without ever being able to achieve it, Wolfenstein 3-D surprises, amuse, fascinates but nevertheless remains a succession of corridors and parts filled with third Reich degree and pixel-shaped Nazis. What is already largely enough to make it a great game says like that. Posted: June 6, 2017 the FPS unfairly unrecognized. A great classic. Having celebrated its 25th anniversary just recently, it will not be easy for everyone to plunge into Wolfenstein 3D. But in spite of that, after all these years, this game never shines as much as today. The gameplay is always as enjoyable. Some will not like the labyrinthine side of the game, but I think that on the contrary, it is a plus. The rhythm of the game is generally mastered, although some "floors" can be done much faster than others. The handling is not bad, it is mostly... Dated. Keyboard + mouse enthusiasts, you move to the next level by playing this game: everything is played only on the keyboard! But once you're used to it, everything's fine. The music is great. Although they are not as cult as those of doom, they are always as pleasant to listen to. The sound effects of the different weapons and enemies are satisfactory. The graphics are badly aged, even if the faces/characters always have a certain charm. This game has excellent replayability thanks to its scoreboard system but also thanks to the different levels of difficulty that are really pushed. Not to mention secrets. Needless to talk a long story, John Carmack himself-co-founder of ID software-does not care. Basically, we're a trapped guy who wants to escape and then smash all the Nazis, including Hitler. We feel that history is a simple pretext for gameplay, which is no worse. With hindsight, we realize how much this game has had a huge influence on the future of the FPS. If Doom is often seen as the star, the great Daron of FPS, we often forget the one who hides in the shadows. This game was excellent, and you know what? ID software managed to do even better. This game allowed its creators to make a giant leap, to surpass themselves thereafter, and thus to disrupt the whole world, beyond even the video game and controversy. Wolfenstein 3D. The FPS unfairly unrecognized. Posted: August 27, 2017 the Dad of all the FPS (quake, doom, call of duty, Halo etc...) the 8 year olds abituated with the graphics of BF1 go your way because it's from the 1992 my buddy however very cool to slaughter from the SS to the Gatling besides it has an Ext very friendly. Posted: November 7, 2015 back in 1980 and a few to play this gorgeous game that has innovated the idea of shooting game in subjective view! Posted: March 4, 2013 DIE HITLER! -,,-/Another DosBox without Mac and Linux versions. But again, steam guides are there to help you bring a real native support on recent PC. Posted: November 6, 2016 summary of the game: Piou PIOU PAN PAN MOUREZ NAZI PAN PAN PIOU posted: July 6, 2015 Wolfentstein 3D is one of the fathers of the FPS with DOOM, and he honors his reputation. the game is quite easy from the room filled with Turkey dishes (we would have prefered the dessert, but good) that regenerates your HP and SS on the politeness to give you their ammo once killed! The only difficulty you may have is to find your way back into the maze that is the Castle you are browsing. Pui after overcoming the 30 levels left in three chapters, you will face the infamous: MECHA-HITLER! Once the bugger kills you will be entitled to 3 bonus chapter--> so more Kraut to kill, isn't it beautiful life ^w^? Posted: June 16, 2018 first FPS of history posted: December 30, 2010 breathtaking graphics! Small config go your way.
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