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Fallout franchise started in a very different way than we all know it by this day. As Bethesda started to develop Fallout franchise only from the third game, original Fallout was completely different.

The game starts in 2161, 84 years after a nuclear war destroyed most of the planet and turned into Wasteland. You can either create your protagonist or play as three pre-set options - Albert Cole, Max Stone or Natalia Dubrovhsky. When in Vault 13 water supplies start to malfunction via technical reasons, Overseer sends protagonist in a quest to find a replacement and save the Vault. Having Pip-Boy and some standard equipment, the Fallout world is absolutely open for exploration.

Although being a completely different genre of the game, Fallout still uses the same systems as we know today. S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system of characters stats (strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility and luck) affect your skills in a variety from 0% to 200%, as well as definitive straits that you choose only once for whole gameplay. Known to players as Karma, you can choose how to act in most of the situations and determine your reputation with other characters in the game.

System requirements for Classic Macintosh

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows
  • Processor: Pentium 90Mhz or faster
  • Memory: 16 MB
  • Graphics: SVGA
  • DirectX®: Any DirectX
  • Hard Drive: 565 MB
  • Sound: DirectSound or SoundBlaster Compatible

System requirements for Linux

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Feb 1, 2025

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Fallout reviews and comments

best fallout part ever exist. re-play times: 3
Fallout's a bleak, dismal experience. Instead of holding your hand, it slaps your hand away and demands you work things out for yourself. There's very little of the humour that would later become the series' norm, with a depressing soundtrack and crushing atmosphere to go alongside it. The UI and game mechanics are, at least to me, painfully dated. This is a PC role-playing game from 1997, and it feels like it. The narrative and world design are worth the initial culture shock, since Fallout allows you to break it in multiple ways by getting the best gear before doing too much of the main questline.
This is the definitive role playing game. The level of depth, worldbuilding, intricate systems, player agency and memorable characters make this a timeless classic. Interplay truly understood what it was to put players in a sandbox, which only makes it sadder to see what Bethesda has done to the franchise. 
«Blew my mind»
This is "Fallout" in its most pure state. Dark comedy clashes greatly with the horrors of post nuclear war to provide the best atmosphere/presentation the series has had. Gameplay may be considered a bit outdated by today's standards, but once you figure it out, the game can be fairly easy. Any Fallout or CRPG fan should give this game a try.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Lonely in The Wasteland The Game with which the fallout series began over 20 Years ago. You can love it and hate it, in the End You become both. However, an objective consideration always has to take into account that Fallout is damn old, and also aged badly on some Points. Control The Game is played completely with the Mouse, Hotkeys on the Keyboard make it easier to Find the Inventory, pip boys or about the Main Menu. So far so good, however, you have to work yourself in due to lack of Tutorial, which can seem a little strange and annoying at the Beginning, because you are looking for something and only find it after a long Time. Over Time, however, the Control passes into Flesh and Blood. Difficulty Variable, different Degrees from easy to bock-heavy, although even the normal Degree is challenging. KI In Terms of Companions clearly a major Shortcoming. They run to their Deaths, block Paths, allow little to adjust and are often more Burdens than Help later On. In addition, you may be regularly shot at from behind by your own People (their Pigs!!! 11), as they do not perceive one as an Obstacle in the Finish Line to The opponent and baller on it. Luckily, no different with the Opponent. CI 1997 is just something other than AI 2018. Story The Main Story only roughly gives a Guide through the World, but is plausible and leaves many Freedoms. The initial Time Limit is to be created loosely, unless you are hurled haphazardly in The wasteland. The humour and Allusions to Monty Python, Dr. Who and others, who sometimes put a Chuckle on the Player's Face, are particularly Noteworthy. Open World I've actually never felt as free in a Game as I did at Fallout. It's completely left to the Player himself whether he's doing that first or something else. Big Plus. At the Beginning is the Choice of 3 prefabricated Characters with History or the Creation of their own. The Player often faces decisions that have corresponding Consequences. Who do I work for, how do I proceed, how do I communicate with NPC's? There are different Ways and Means for almost every Quest to fulfill them, but you can also conserve them. Depending on how the Player chooses, there is also a different Ending for the different Factions. Graphic Uff, already for 1997 probably not a Treat. All in grey-brown, revocable Objects on the Ground are sometimes only 4-5 Pixels in size, you definitely have to look closely. If you are not bothered by the old Baking graphics (otherwise they would not deal with this Game:-)), that is what he is saying; Everyone else will be amazed at how the Graphics have changed since 1997. Important NPCS are synchronized and have "talking Heads" that look neat. Sound Geile's Intro with Song, good Accompaniment: Still presentable today. Synchro usually quite i.O. Compatibility Played On Win10 64 Bit, went mostly well. Towards the End of the Main Story some Crashes that were very annoying out. Summary Who is not disturbed by Graphics, poor AI and the slow Combat System in the octagon principle, Fallout is still recommended today. Zig Solutions for Quests, absolute Freedom in Atmospherically well brought over wasteland, over 40 Hours of Gameplay and brutal Vulgar communications; These are still presentable Properties for an RPG today and therefore make it recommended for anyone who wants to get a taste of the Roots of the Role-playing Game. -> Buy Recommendation
Still a great RPG. Mechanics may take a while to get used to though.
«That ending!»
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