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Note for players getting stuck early on: if you're stuck between enemies, hit space rapidly to advance time/restart. Sorry about that! Run down the long hallway ASAP to get out of that first segment. I'll patch it after the jam period ends. If the game is performing poorly, check the hardware acceleration setting for your browser-- the game will work better in Chrome with this enabled.



Make your way through a hedgerow. Game by Nicholas Black / Michael Savage-Benoist
For Dungeon Crawler Jam 2021 #dcjam2021





WASD - Move

QE - Turn left/right

Spacebar - Wait

Left Shift - Get on your tippy toes


Left Click / X - Slash (X)

Right Click / O - Block (O)

Spacebar - Dodge (unlocked later)


R - Use Item

Tab /Mousewheel - Cycle through Invetory


H - Cycle through help popups

Seriously, Help!!!

Hi all! Game is kinda hard, and missing some features! Here are some ways to make it easier.

I keep getting killed by the first enemies I see!

Before you get the sword, you can't fight. Just run away as soon as possible!

I'm stuck between 2 enemies and can't get out!

If you get stuck without a sword, unfortunately the only way out is death (sorry!). Hit spacebar repeatedly to 'wait' until enemies kill you.

I keep getting lost!

I'm sorry there's no minimap! I've made a little guide map if needed:

I keep dying to the big dangerous guy!

If you haven't gotten the 'dodge' and 'forgiveness' powers, definitely don't take this fight on. If you have, see below.

What's "one thing left to do"? What do I do after I get all my powers?

Go fight the big one! I know you can do it!!!

Combat is just too difficult.

If combat's too hard and you still want to go through the game, enable debug mode by hitting TILDE (`) eleven times. You'll hear a small noise.

After that, when in combat, rapidly left click (or press X) while holding TILDE (`) to 'never miss' your attacks basically.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Apr 12, 2021

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