Average Playtime: 5 hours

Hydraulic Empire

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"Hydraulic Empire looks to be that entry into the genre that I have been waiting for." - indiegames.com

What is it?

Hydraulic Empire is a Tower Defense game with RPG elements focusing on strategy, interactions between mobs, and persistent upgrades. What we are doing with Hydraulic Empire is taking the best of what we have experience over the years, and then we are adding elements that are unique.

How much Content is there?

We have over 20 levels (21 at launch and we will continue to add more as time goes on), 10 mobs, 10 towers, a builder that levels as you play, and tons of mob interactions. All in all at launch there is about 15 hours of gameplay.

Whats Different about our TD?

Tower Defenses are not new, and they are not evolving much anymore. We aim to change that by adding in a variety of unique mob interactions. We are also adding in tons of RPG elements and we have a hero/builder that will allow you to take part in more of the battle.

Mob interactions are our major innovation. Where as they are not 100% new to the tower defense genre, they are typically simple or not very interesting. We have taken this to the next level, and centered our game squarely around them. Mob interactions will take place all over a level, and will change where and how you choose to build in a level. The interactions vary greatly based on which mob die in which order. This aspect of the game has given the game almost endless replay ability. Most of our mobs will interact with at least 2 or 3 other mobs. Some interactions open up new interactions, and others will lock out some interactions.

A Taste of the Story

"Peace had been a dream, and the light of its hope has been overshadowed by a new enemy. My own people have turned on me. For what reason, I do not yet know. But there is no option but to fight, if for nothing else but the undying dream of peace at least. I am the First Lieutenant General of the Great Mech Army, but you may call me the Keeper, for I protect the dreams of many. And I call to you for aid. The mobs close in, thirsty for the land we won through fearsome attrition. And I am the only one who now stands in their way."
Release date
Batholith Entertainment
Batholith Entertainment
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP
  • Processor: Atom Z3740D
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel Integrated HD4000
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Storage: 450 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Integrated Card
  • OS: Windows 8.1 or above
  • Processor: Intel i5 2600k
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD 6850 or above
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 450 MB available space
  • Sound Card: Integrated Card
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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1 edit
Smash Look! - Hydraulic Empire Gameplay
Jul 12, 2015
Smash GaminG!! - Frazzz
EU4 - Ajuuraan the Hydraulic Empire - 1
Feb 5, 2018
Hydraulic Empire PC 60FPS Gameplay | 1080p
Aug 5, 2015
Hydraulic Empire Gameplay [Steam Early Access]
Jul 7, 2015
Game Reviews
Hydraulic Empire - Early Access Review / First Impressions
Jul 11, 2015
Hydraulic Empire Trainer +3
Aug 27, 2015
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Beat Level 8
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Max Factory
Fill all the slots of your factory.
Max City
Fill all the slots of your city.
Beat Level 5
You have completed Level 5
Kill a mob in the final hex, and beat the level. This must be done on atleast Medium Difficulty.
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Hydraulic Empire reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Hydraulic Empire refers to the simple Gameplay principle for Defending and Repelling enemy Waves. For one thing, we have several Types of Turmares and the Player's Abilities at our disposal. The Latter, however, has less to deal with the Task of giving out damage, it merely serves as a Building tool for the towers or uses its Capabilities, such as Makeshift bombs or a Precision Shot, but the Core Element is the Towers, of which it is clear. Variations there; Gatling Guns, Flamethrowers, Acid Pits, Flak guns and some more. Skills need Mana, which is gradually regenerating. To build Or upgrade towers, you'll get Scrap from any defeated Enemy. At the Beginning of the 21 Levels, we usually have a rather large Playing field at our Feet, which is divided into Hexagons. Opponents who also appear in all Variations have the Goal of reaching a Red Field, it has been reached a total of 10 Times, you lose. If you Manage to defeat all Enemies from it, you win. The Sticking Point in this Mechanic Is the later waypoints that your Enemies must run out of first before heading to the last Field. At the Latest here the fun Strategy system unfolds, or much more the Puzzle. It is Important to stretch the Path quickly very long, because many Enemy Types are fast ... And numerous. Unfortunately, it is not further expanded and towards the End the Mechanics simply repeat themselves too often. And this is exactly where my Praise for Hydraulic Empire ends, where it was still very fun at the Beginning ... Little work has been done on Balancing, some Levels are difficult to do, others on Simply hard to create. Mann starts tinkering With the Upgrade System, which improves Towers and general Status Effects but offers little Space to Expand. Because to actually notice a Change, you have to specialize in one or two Turmartes. What does 1% more Damage from 5? Or 5% of 10? Freedom is lost and Frustration begins to grow. If you absolutely want to put a Challenge on the Player ... There are Levels of difficulty For that, but please don't put a massive Stone wall in my Way just because I want to play through your Game. Had the System been improved, or taken out altogether, and the Rest of the Game would then have been adapted to that ... I would have enjoyed mingling through on higher Trouble, but not like that! And then there are the technical Difficulties. About frequent Image Drops among too many Opponents on screen, high Scores that don't work for many, quality low sound design (or – Execution), Crashes, Difficulty finishing the Game or the Trifle of me playing the Game on my PC With Win 10 can't even start. The Graphics quality of a Mobile game can be disputed. Before I sat down at that Review, I'd watched a few more Reviews of other Players. And positive were mainly those who appeared at Early Access times ... Now that this E. Access Story is constantly being exploited to make Coal prematurely and then can't meet expectations, nothing New is now ... But that Development Teams always manage to pull People off, I find in places just shit. Allegedly, work is still under way on the Game today, but I wonder, in terms of quality, why you left the Status of Early Access in the first place. Conclusion Important: This Review was written by Sending a Game for Review purposes. Price/performance ratio: Sufficient-> The Game is entertaining for a While, but I would not recommend paying the Full Price for it. I estimate the Value at about £550, underneath it should be worth a Look. Rating: Below Average-> Actually entertaining Title, but suffers from technical, and balancing Problems Appendix If you find this Review helpful, please visit the German _ Gamer _ Community and follow our Curator for more. Or supports one of the smaller Curators in German Reviews, because we are all Reviewers with a passion for Writing.
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