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Hydrophobia: Prophecy

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Hydrophobia Prophecy is an improved version of the game Hydrophobia, designed for the PlayStation 3 and Steam. Hydrophobia Prophecy includes both new levels (updated approximately 70% of the content) and levels already exist, but have undergone significant processing.

Both the original and the reworked version of the game are created as part of the action-adventure genre with elements of survival horror in the cyberpunk style.

Place and time of action

The game takes place in the middle of the XXI century. By this time, the world is plunged into chaos caused by great overpopulation. Lands suitable for food production are destroyed by rising ocean levels and the spread of deserts. Hunger and misery reign in the world. The most precious resource of humanity in these conditions is simple drinking water.

The game takes place on board a giant cruise liner comparable in size to the city. The liner is called Queen of the World, it was built by a group of giant corporations to create comfortable conditions for the elected representatives from among the managers of these corporations.


At the very beginning of the game, a group of terrorists is attacking and seizing a ship. The terrorists call themselves "Neo Malthusians" (after the economist Thomas Malthus, who predicted the death of humanity from overpopulation). They plan to kill many people so that the world will return to a state fit for a full life. Attacking the liner, the terrorists painted the walls with their slogans, the same slogans are broadcast on screens all over the ship. One of the slogans: “Save the World - Kill Yourself!”.

The terrorists are attacking a diner to get a tool for global genocide, killing about 10 billion people - such tools are in the secret laboratories of one of the Five Corporations located on the liner - “NanoCell Corporation”.

The protagonist, system engineer of the ship Kate Wilson, was responsible for the safety of the liner - when as a result of an attack by terrorists the ship begins to sink, Kate seeks to survive and tries to prevent the terrorists. What she needs for this, too, is in these secret laboratories.


One of the creators of the game described the gameplay as a “player against the environment”, meaning, first of all, water - water constantly interacts with everything it comes in contact with, and it gives an incredible variety of situations, sets of options for changing circumstances.

Water floods the liner, constantly changing the configuration of spaces suitable for action and movement. The player must constantly adapt to this and respond quickly.

Other characters can also affect the situation, and this effect also leads to a redistribution and movement of water. Water may involve other objects and substances in its actions — for example, a gasoline stain that has spread through water may ignite and burn, while water carries these fiery stains throughout the ship.

The action can occur both on the surface of the water and in its thickness.

HydroEngine, an engine capable of solving this problem with unprecedented realism, was created to simulate flowing water in all its variety for the game.

Release date
Cherry Pop Games
Dark Energy Digital
Dark Energy Digital
Age rating
17+ Mature
Other games in the series

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7 with latest Service Pack
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon X2
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Graphics: NVidia 8600GT with 512MB RAM or Radeon HD 3650 with 512MB RAM
  • DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c
  • Hard Drive: 8 GB
  • Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card

System requirements for PlayStation 3

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Last Modified: Nov 22, 2024

Where to buy

PlayStation Store

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1 edit
Hydrophobia: Prophecy Gameplay (PC HD)
Apr 17, 2012
Hydrophobia: Prophecy Gameplay (PC HD)
Mar 11, 2014
[Découverte] Hydrophobia : Prophecy
Jul 5, 2011
Hydrophobia Trailer
Sep 2, 2010
PC Longplay [537] Hydrophobia Prophecy
Oct 23, 2014
World of Lon...
HYDROPHOBIA: Prophecy - Gameplay Español - Capítulo 01
Dec 29, 2015
Elo Play
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Private Eye
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Collect all the medals.
Complete the Challenge Room.
Swept Off Their Feet
Sweep 3 Malthusians off their feet with water.
Complete the game.
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Hydrophobia: Prophecy reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Story: Half-interesting but an absolutely ver ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ tes end! Graphic: Quite ok. Water looks chic from Sound: Approduum to bad Control: Just playing with Gamepad gscheid! Gameplay: Something guarded, slightly More clenched, some puzzles solve ... Not innovative but also not boring Conclusion: Buy In the Sale!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Control is relatively undemanding and very inaccurate. In Addition, the Many Bugs present you die for unfathomable Reasons just like that. Then there is no Subtitle presence And the Introduction and Language Error at the highest Level. Just bad ... Can't continue playing the Game because I don't want to continue doing something like that to myself and I loathe such a rubbish a lot.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
"Hydrophobia Prophecy" is a linear Third-Person Shooter with Jump and puzzle elements. We are on the "Queen of the world," a city-sized Ship that, in this Vision of the future, crosses the World's Oceans like an Ark as the World sinks into Chaos through Climate change and the Pursuit of Profit. And this Chaos is now breaking into the healing World and with it also the Water ... Game Mechanically, most is reasonably solid, though not always fluid. You get the Impression that the Game wants to be too much at once. Cover Shooter, Exploration Game with Hangel Passages and Diving Insoles. In the Implementation, nothing really becomes terrible, but nothing really convincing. But the Most Outstanding thing is without Question the Water Effect, which looks impressively beautiful for a 2011 game. In Contrast to the Rest of the Graph, which is rather subpar generic. The biggest Problem: The Protagonist Mutates into a quenching Tone through the (English) Synchronization in a very short Time. Rarely has the Character been so unsympathetic, which diminishes the Urge to survive Game Situations. Unfortunately, this Also rendes the actually ambitious Story irrelevant. No Figure is worthy of memory, no Situation even begin to be interesting. Against The End of the game, which you reach in about three Hours, one wonders what the Whole thing should actually be now? The increasingly crude Story dissipates and dissolves in the Floodwaters. The fact That one gets a really meaningful Ability only just before the End does not exactly speak for good Pacing In Game design. Everything seems unfinished, lifeless, barely thought through. The Ending comes as a surprise, though not unlonged. A Game that leaves the Impression that a game should somehow be built around an outstanding water engine at the time. The Result is a frighteningly weak and unfinished Genre mix. Rating: 4/10 Atmosphere 7/10 Graphics 4/10 Sound 4/10 game mechanics 3/10 Balancing 3/10 Game depth 4/10 game pass conclusion: Good water effect engine paired with inconsequential Gameplay and wine-annoying Protagonist. 4/10 Overall Rating
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