Hyper Gun

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Hyper Gun is a 3v3 Mega Man Style Fighting Game about Rival Mercenary Teams in a futuristic city.

This project was originally created sometime late 2017, I got my hands on the original files and was able to edit it into a releasable state ^-^)/ 

Don't be surprised if the game isn't entirely balanced (or fun) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

With that said, a few notes:
  • The less characters you have on a team, the more Stamina you will have.
  • Every character has a shield that regenerates when out of combat and protects you from a single weak attack.
  • Each character has at least 2 Abilities, and they sometimes change abilities if performed while in the air.
  • The character Brick has unique abilities on his [B] attack while walking backwards.
  • The character Rift has various options she can perform while clinging to a wall.
  • Many characters have unique passives as well.
  • For a full list of character abilities & differences, check the Controls.txt file included with the game.

Honestly, after coming back to release this project, I have some regrets as far as the design goes.   Its clear that some aspects would have been much more interesting were this a more traditional mega man styled platformer versus game.  But hey, the assets are free for you to use (Credit isn't necessary, but appreciated), so maybe someone out there can make better use of these characters.

Regardless, thank you for Supporting my endeavors!

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Feb 14, 2022

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