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Illarion - Carve yourself a new life

Illarion is an on­line game where genu­ine ro­le­play is en­forced. The main design prin­ciple is a fo­cus on the in­ter­ac­tion with other play­ers. All the player char­ac­ters you will en­counter dur­ing your time here are liv­ing, breath­ing in­hab­it­ants of the mys­ter­i­ous world of Illarion. Each char­ac­ter has its own past, goals, strengths, flaws and per­son­al­ity. Ex­per­i­ence glor­i­ous ad­ven­tures as noble knight or live the life of a hard­work­ing crafts­man, ac­quis­it­ive mer­chant or cha­ris­matic priest of the gods.

Illarion - What role will you play? Down­load now and start your ad­ven­ture!

The World Illarion

A ma­ture high fantasy set­ting where elves meet orcs is placed in a per­sist­ent, open world with tan­gible lore. Six­teen gods are wor­shipped by the cit­izens of three fac­tions. Noble Cadomyr, wealthy Gal­mair or wise Runewick - whose side will you join?

Your Adventure

The de­cisions you take will im­pact and shape the world around you. Your ac­tions will de­term­ine the events that one day fill the pages of Illarion's his­tory books. Im­merse your­self and let your char­ac­ter be­come what you want.

Free and open source

Illarion is free to play without any cost. The game is run by a non-profit or­gan­isa­tion and is main­tained by a staff of highly mo­tiv­ated vo­lun­teers without fin­an­cial re­im­burse­ment. The cli­ent, server and game code is open source and re­leased un­der the li­cences GPLv3 and AG­PLv3.

No limits

Your char­ac­ter won't be locked in­side a fixed class design like most MMOR­PGs do. You'll be able to sculpt your own char­ac­ter and its des­tiny is lim­ited only by your choices, ima­gin­a­tion, and game rules. The game fea­tures a skill-based lev­el­ling sys­tem, al­low­ing play­ers to com­pel their own unique gam­ing ex­per­i­ence.

Immersive mechanics

The game mech­an­ics em­ployed keep the bal­ance between com­plex­ity, in­nov­a­tion and mo­tiv­a­tion of play­ers. Illarion shows a clas­sic, slow-paced game­play with iso­met­ric retro graph­ics while still us­ing mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies.

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Release date
Illarion e.V.
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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