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Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos

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The Badlands cluster. 100 years after the first Independence War. Your father was killed by the Corporations for a bad debt. And you've spent 15 years rotting in jail for trying to get justice. Now it's time for vengeance. Now it's time to turn back the Corporations before they corrupt the entire universe. Now it's time to take control of the universe's most advanced interstellar hardware and wage war in the greatest space-sim ever conceived. Command four futuristic battlecruisers and a band of revolutionary pirates into an all-consuming battle against impossible odds...because there just isn't enough Space for everyone!

  • Innovative user-friendly interface - 90% of functions can be programmed where you like - on the joystick or on the keyboard or both!
  • Online multiplayer support for up to 8 people. Play DeathMatch, Capture the Flag, and various other unique scenarios.
  • The revolutionary Flux™ Graphics Engine: Microsoft Direct3D® compatible - surface effects like rust, decay and wear on the ships, and stunning fire and flare effects. All ships in the game are modeled using the textures and details from the ships created for the CGI movies.
  • Physically realistic flight model. All ships use a Newtonian mechanics simulation and move according to the same rules as real spacecraft. This includes a simulation of both linear and angular momentum, inertia and rotational moment of inertia. Ships can use either a free-flight mode or use computer-assisted fly-by-wire flight controls.
  • Team-up on the enemy with detachable fighters. Keep them on-board as murderous gun turrets or order them to attack as wingmen.
  • Superior non-linear gameplay spanning 16 star systems, interacting with dynamically-created space traffic.
  • Command 4 flyable ships and over 30 weapons and ship accessories that can be used in near-infinite combinations.
  • Get to know the locals. Examples include taxicab ships, freighters, space patrols, and pirates.
  • Watch the space opera unfold through a rich storyline in four acts.

Important Note Regarding Multiplayer Gaming: Atari doesn't maintain active servers for this game anymore. However, multiplayer gaming on local networks is still possible.

Important Note Regarding Compatibility: Please note, although successful testing was done on modern machines (Windows 7 and 8) to ensure compatibility, this is an older game and certain configurations may not work. Our testing has found, however, that with most machines if you run this game under Windows XP SP2 compatibility mode it works without issue.
Release date
Particle Systems
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows XP or Windows Vista
  • Processor: 1.8 Ghz Processor
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: 3D graphics card compatible with DirectX 8
  • DirectX: Version 8.0
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: Optical (CD/DVD) drive required in computer for game to start
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Last Modified: May 8, 2023

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『Independence War 2』 Finally did it!
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Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Very successful Space adventure. Despite my Age, it is still a bringer for me personally. Graphically made very beautiful by then conditions and Game Physics is very realistic, which sometimes causes problems for untrained Pilots when Flying. In Space you can't apply Brakes, so you have to fly full Force back to brake and need to speed up for just as long as for that. But Once you stop the spin out, everything goes as it should. A very big Problem with this Game is the control ... Either Joystick and keyboard or just Keyboard. It is not played with the Mouse and there is no Guidance on the Control that you have to find out or post-google yourself. The Control is also really extremely complex due to the realism and occupies almost the entire Keyboard. For that, the freedom in the Game as well as the Story is just incredibly well implemented and I have rarely seen a Game with such potential. Conclusion: The Controls break a lot about the Game, but for People who like to strain their Heads and read in, it is perfect and they will get their Money's worth. An incredibly good space pirate adventure in which you rob fat Cargo ships, watch Battles with the Police and other Pirates and Robbers, and upgrade and tuned Ships, as well as Trade in Contraband to get better Weapons and equipment. Not the best Game, but a Collector's Item and me personally it's fun:) Total Score 07/10 Points
Translated by
Microsoft from French
Another old school space sim... First I-war was a must play in his time.. (with the freespace series..) the second part was as good as the first one and implement a great following to the first story. The Game is old but ok in itself.. Videos are running correctly, game runs correctly. I still have the first one on Big PC Box (Limited edition) and i'm pretty sure that you could rebind keys in the first one... In this game there are no rebindable keys... So that's just makes the game unplayable to me... maybe with a Joystick made for space sims (the game was intended to be played with it at the time) but i don't have one. So i cannot recommend the game in this state. Great game, runs fine, but no rebindable keys is a pain in the♥♥♥♥♥for this type of game.. So if basics controls in game suits you and if you can play this way, i recommend a try, because the game in itself is good. But if you are like me and can't cope with it.. i'd recommend to try another game. Try to take a look here, there is all you need to play first and second opus of the game : (https://www.i-war2.com/downloads/download/34-goodies/260-i-war-2-keyboard-reference-card) There's some guy who tried to make up for this and propose some modification to the game to counterbalance that problem (a flight config file for mouse via a little patch to do) : https://steamcommunity.com/app/359630/discussions/0/135511379837892363/ But in my opinion, players should not have to do such manipulations to have a fully working game they paid for. Try GOG's version, it seems that the patch for controls is integrated in the game, so you can play easily. I don't know why steam didn't kept it (or add it) in this version though.. So that will be a thumb down for me..
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