Informagician is a little game about a magician who works in informatics and debugs everything with his magic wand : From the errors that are popping on his screen to the malicious little plant on his desk, nothing can stop him !
Informagician is a game I worked on to practice developing with Unity so it is really short and does not have a lot to give... Yet ! I plan on keeping the game alive and update it with more and more content so keep an eye on it :)
How to playYou only need your mouse and left click on everything that upsets you to win points !
To know how much time you have left, keep an eye on the clock found in the left of the screen.
I plan on leveling up the game in terms of difficulty :
- Adding more challenges on screen (Maybe a colleague or two might come to give you more upsetting things to do, so why not whoosh them away with your wand ? :D )
Thank youThank you for reading & don't forget to comment, I accept any feedback ! Have fun !
Thanks to Salma for correcting the translation errors !