Kalorian Quest
Kalorian Quest is an entry in the 2020 Kalorian game jam. #KalorianJam It is an action RPG diablo-like with an elemental boss rush and loot synergy puzzle. It was made with the fantastic Flare rpg engine.
- works best in FireFox / Edge
- if you are on Brave broswer or using an Adblocker you will have to disable shields to get this to load and run on itch.
- Audio currently only works on non-chrome browsers.
- If you can't move on first play refresh browser
How to Play & Controls:
W/A/S/D keys move.
If you get stuck in place on initial load try refreshing the page.
Left Mouse click to primary attack
Right Mouse click for secondary attack
Action bar is Q/E/R/F and more hover over action bar with mouse for tooltips
The bosses all have their own elemental strengths and weaknesses mix and match. You will get loot from the bosses.