Kangaroo Court
Hop onto the judge’s bench for a wacky (and only slightly corrupt) dive into a slew of cases at fast paces!
There’s been a load of cases filed recently at the Balsa County courthouse, and it’s up to you, respected marsupial adjudicator Judge Croody, to blast through them as quickly—and accurately!—as possible.
Programming: Celtican | Narrative: Aida_42 | Audio: MAFL | Art: Gardenovena
Changes made during the bugfix window:
- Added a brief summary of cases in the dockets.
- Flipped plaintiff and defendant in the docket title
- Added missing timer sounds.
- Added missing image in Oscar v. Tony trial.
- Added missing voices for Lizzie Lizard, Randel Raven, and Tony Toucan.
- Added missing main menu images.