Krazy Netherworld Pri (wip title)
Pico8 GGJ game. Currently very Work-In-Progress
In this game, you have fallen into a haunted world where you must explore, find keys and avoid traps in order to find your way out.
You also have a sanity meter which drains as you move the lower it is, the more likely monsters will spawn (this element is still currently TBD).
I would like to expand on the idea to make like a dragon quest style rpg.
I've been making overworld tweaks and fixing up some issues with the dialog and the and game. You can now collect the orbs needed to win the game. There's no end game screen yet, but the goal itself is theoretically possible now. I also have warp points, though a few of those tiles are still buggy.
The things that spawn in low sanity still need to be made. and there's still lots of dialogue and world fixes to be made.
Shout out to Dylan Bennett whose tutorials helped me build what I have so far.