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Rogalia [Alpha] is the craft-based MMO-sandbox with the fantasy open world created by players. Feel free to kill people out of towns and claims. Gain useful vitamins from your meals and develop your character. Fight on Arena, battlefields and dungeons.
Build your own world in the tough surroundings!

Character- Character levelling is based on vitamins gained from meals.

- Every attribute of your character may reach maximum value.
- You may share your rented patch with other players.
- Free economics developed by players.
- Crafted items have durability and quality attributes. Their values depend on your skill.
- A plenty of recipes and skills: craft, animal breeding, monster hunt, building and many more!World- An open PvP world with 3 undeground layers and PvE-protected areas (towns and rented patches).

- Vitamins, gear and bag loss after death.
- Loss-free arena to fight people with no death fees. Battlefields and dungeons to hunt some good loot.
- Terraforming.18+ game contentSmoking, booze, gluttony, chance games, promiscuity and, last but not least, a payment for these sins: from hangover to STDs.

"This is an alpha-version of the game. We are the team of two who make it and put a lot of heart in it, so we already have a spectacular community who will kindly help you with the sayings and doings.
Welcome to the Rogalia World!"
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.7.3, or later.
  • Processor: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 300 MB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 7, 10
  • Processor: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: OpenGL 2.1 compatible graphics card
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 300 MB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: any
  • Processor: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel 2.77GHz Dual Core
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 300 MB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: May 1, 2023

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1 edit
Fighting combo virtuoso
perform each combo 100 times
Are you sure it's edible?
eat a poop
I thought it’s a happy farm
plant 1000 seeds
Deep mine
dig out 1000 units of any ore
I’m here to stay
extend the claim lease
view all achievements
35 items

Rogalia reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review is Relevant to the patch 0.40 Passed not a little time and the game is still alive, came out a bunch of patches, describe below the key points: 1) Many of us complained about the card, it was corrected, now the card is out of the stigma and the "road pillars" returns to Initial state; 2) The Graphics have become much better and improve with each patch; 3) Now at death do not shake things (except for 3 lvl caves and fault). Here is quite a controversial moment, of course, nubam it will help to get into the game, but scare the players who like to do PC; 4) Vitamins are less lost with death; 5) More Simple payment of stamps and while it can not be robbed, if you forgot to pay for a couple of days (may change). Here again, for someone it is a big plus, and to someone minus; 6) After Some patch of the lagags it became much less; 7) Ability to get Donat currency performing kv fractions. In General, I have highlighted the main points and problems that have been solved in the game and which are very often complained to the players. _________ Of The disadvantages of the game and the wishes of the developers: I would like to see in the game a generator of simple tasks (find-bring-kill), because the quests are almost no (except starting and fractional); On the 2nd place I have the totality of Nubsky existence: a long vitamin and skills on Nubo-lvle (purely my nubskoe opinion); On the 3rd place, the Damned dryers and Taski, seriously, if any of you will think to chop the animals left and right, then come across a tedious razveshivaniem of each skin on the driers and then over time shifting it all into the basin. I would like a huge dryer and basin, which could be put not 1 skin, and pieces of 10 at least. _________ Tips for newbies who bought the game I described in the manual http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=957829661 _________ the Old part of the review _________ the Game I bought with a friend, because it is better to play it only in the company. I played it earlier (when it was free), so I knew that it was quite difficult to play it alone. It justifies Its price (unlike other modern games for the Cosar and more). The First thing we started the construction of the base, but why build something, if it can be taken for free? And Here I could use the help of a friend: He was pulling the necessary things for the house in the city from strangers abandoned houses, and from the city I forwarded them to the base (one to do it-unreal, alas). Then We knew Zen, decided to move to another place, because our base stood somewhere in the desert. But We are not upset: when descended on a strange cellar in the dungeon, we found that right under our house in our basement lives... Satan. His Mother is the DEVIL. Well, at least it looks exactly like Satan on the frescoes. Now We bring him corpses, so that it does not get angry, and that is not enough... Tip for those who want to buy the game: I advise you to look at the viewfinder of this game, so that there was no misunderstanding of what you bought, because in the chat often heard explosions of the punks of those who bought the game without even realizing that they took on discounts. I would qualify the game as cheap, and most importantly-a clear and easy analogue of the Ultras. Content and players are not enough (there are many in Japanese), but this is not a problem, because the game and in its current state is playable and beautiful. The Game is now in the alpha, so that everything can vary for the better, and for the worse. So FAR score 9 out of 10;
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