Average Playtime: 10 hours

Eco - Global Survival Game

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Enter the world of Eco, where you must team-up to build civilization and prevent a disaster, using resources from a fully simulated ecosystem, where your every action affects the lives of countless species.
Will you and your fellow builders collaborate successfully, creating laws to guide player actions, finding a balance that takes from the ecosystem without damaging it? Or will the world be destroyed by short-sighted choices that pollute the environment in exchange for immediate resource gains? Or, do players act too slowly, and the world is consumed by a disaster that could have been avoided if you developed the right technology? In Eco, you must find a balance as a group if the world is to survive.A world-survival game Eco is a survival game in a global sense, where it is not just the individual or group who is threatened, but the world itself. The world of Eco will be home to a population of thousands of simulated plants and animals of dozens of species, each living out their lives on a server running 24 hours a day, growing, feeding and reproducing, with their existence highly dependent on other species.
Enter humans into this equation, and things get complicated. It is the role of players to thrive in this environment by using resources from the world to eat, build, discover, learn and invent. However, every resource they take affects the environment it is taken from, and without careful planning and understanding of the ecosystem, lands can become deforested and polluted, habitats destroyed, and species left extinct.
In the extreme, the food supply of the ecosystem can be destroyed, along with all human life on it, resulting in server-wide perma-death. Eco is a game where the player’s actions have meaningful consequences.
Everything you do affects the ecosystem, and players can destroy their food supply and world (server-wide permadeath)
Create a player-run government to make decisions as a group, proposing and voting on laws
Use data gathered from the world to propose and vote on laws as a group. Debate with scientific argumentation.
Create a player-run economy that allows you to sell not only good but services in the form of server-enforced contracts (simulating a player driven quest system).
PvP takes the form of a player-run criminal justice system. Breaking the player-made laws can result in arrest and punishment.
Your food level determines your skill-increase rate, making food very important and tying players directly to the ecosystem from which it comes.
A game with goals higher than entertainment. We plan to build it for schools as an augmented classroom world students share.

Release date
Strange Loop Games
Strange Loop Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 10 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible
  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 14 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Mar 26, 2025

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Top contributors

Eco - Awesome Global Survival With a Multiplayer Focus - Let's Play Eco Gameplay Highlights - Part 1
Jan 25, 2017
ECO Survival - Part 1: There's a Meteor Coming! (Open World Survival, Crafting, Building Gameplay!)
Feb 14, 2018
ECO | #1 | Спасая планету в соло!
Feb 12, 2018
ECO Gameplay - Getting Started (Global Survival Sandbox)
Jan 26, 2017
Eco Official Trailer
Feb 6, 2018
Eco - Huge Tutorial Town w/ Motor Vehicles, Advanced Skills! - Let's Play Eco Gameplay Highlights
Jan 27, 2017
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24,952 items
Construction Yard
Dig 1000 blocks with powered vehicles on the same server.
Ride a vehicle as a passenger.
Forestry 101
Plant 100 trees on the same server.
Hard Day's Work
Completed first contract.
By the People, For the People
Constitution passed.
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Eco - Global Survival Game reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review After almost 200 Hours, I will write a Review. Important to mention: Eco is still in the Alpha or Early Access-it's not a complete Game yet! When I started with Eco, I was quite excited and very happy. I imagined a Mixture of Minecraft, good Graphics and reasonably realistic Economic System, and I wasn't disappointed either. GRAFIK The Graphics are, in my Opinion, a very successful comic style. The World is very detailed and Beautiful to look at by the many different Plants, ores, Animals and biomes, the Sunrise is a Highlight in this game every Day. The only Manco is the Fact that there is more often one or the other FPS Slump for no discernible Reason. Normally, Eco runs with me with medium Settings at 60-80 FPS. Unfortunately, this breaks down to 20-30 FPS, especially with a lot of PRODUCTION buildings, but sometimes completely by accident. I don't find that very disruptive. Therefore: Rating 8/10 GAMEPLAY The Gameplay is, in my Opinion, very much influenced by the Player himself. On large Multiplayer servers play my Buddy And I never, we are only connected to Our private Server at the construction of a Realm, but on the Subject Of Multiplayer I will lose a few Words later. As I said, you can actually play Eco as you think it is! No Buck on Meteor? -Turn It off. No Buck Forever to wait for Skill Points? -Give yourself more skill points per Day by Setting. No Buck to farm forever? -Rusht through until you have Machines and BAUT EUER IMPERIUM!11!1 What I mean by that: Eco is a Game that hides a lot more Gameplay than you see at first Glance. You can mine forever with Stone, land clearing, Terra shapes or order fields. But You can also roam through and do everything by machine. Everything is kind of Fun but you can't do it in the Long run, which is why you can and should change a lot. Rating: 10/10 SPIELINHALTE Yes, it's early access. Nevertheless, I have to say personally that Progress is being relatively slow. So far, I Think you have enough Content to play this Game with a lot of Fun, but all of these are only Basic Units until now. With the last two Updates came a huge Content Boost and has made the Game much more interesting and lengthy again. You can gamble continuously about 50-100h, after which you need a little Break, which I don't think has to be very long. The Content is good, but personally I do not have any dynamism and Continuity. WERTUNG:8/10 SOUND THERE's not much to say. The Sounds are beautiful, atmospheric and well attuned to the Game, but don't tear you off the Stool now. RECOGNIZING: 9/10 MULTIPLAYER The Multiplayer is such a Thing. Personally, I would recommend you to make a private Server for two and to gamble there is just the most Fun. You can try out the big public servers anyway, they are definitely worth a Look. For a Home-crumble Like me, it is very welcome to welcome that there is the Possibility for private Servers. I really enjoy it there and I can't really say anything Negative about the Multiplayer in general. It offers you the Opportunity to play either for you privately or just in great Company, doing as you like it. We've hardly ever had crashes, the Connection is going great and it just works. Nevertheless, especially in Multiplayer, there are still some Room For improvement, especially with Regard to Cooperation. That's why: 9/10 ABSCHLUSSBEWERTING AND FAZIT Eco JUST thrilled me. It still has its early access errors but has enough Content for the State of its Development to have Fun in the long term and a REICH TO REE in Multiplayer!!! ^ 1 ^ 11!! Don't Be afraid to try it out, you don't regret it. Recommendation: Play at Least two! ABSCHLUSSWERTUNG 9/10 Thank You for Reading this Review. If someone is alone and wants to Go Zocking on our private Empire, MfG Colonel Schmidt can send me a Message
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