Average Playtime: 5 hours

Wurm Unlimited

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What is Wurm Unlimited?
Wurm Unlimited is the standalone version of the fantasy sandbox world Wurm Online and expands upon the already expansive sandbox by placing players in charge of server management, allowing them to dictate skillgain rates, action speeds, creature counts and much more.
A pioneer in the ideas of player influence, crafting and adventure, it is now one of the most deep and feature packed true sandbox experiences available.
Whether you enjoy building your home, conquering kingdoms or hunting dragons, Wurm will let you.

Explore the world and make your mark!

In Wurm Unlimited, players can explore an elaborate fantasy sandbox world in the predefined Creative or Adventure modes as well as set up their own game server and invite friends to live and experience the Wurm universe.What can I do in Wurm Unlimited?
  • Host your own Virtual World! The Server Management GUI helps you change settings such as skillrate gains, action timers, PvP or PvE , creature count and more...
  • Explore huge, diverse landmasses with creatures and mysteries!
  • Modify the terrain; dig, raise, flatten and sculpt the land around you!
  • Craft and use thousands of unique items, everything you need you can make.
  • Wage war on other kingdoms, plan, work and fight together to lead your kingdom to victory.
  • Discover and fight over religious artifacts on a PvP server.
  • Farm, harvest, and grow ingredients to cook over 500 recipes, with over 10,000 variations in total!
  • Capture, tame and breed wild animals, fight with them and raise their strength!
  • Play your way! Train almost 130 skills, 10 player characteristics, and 3 religion characteristics
  • Follow one of four unique deities and religions. Or attempt to become a Deity yourself and join the existing ones on the moon of Valrei!
  • Roam the lands hunting various wildlife and monsters. Slay the legendary troll king, forest giant, dragons, and many others!
  • Become a priest or champion of your religion, learn and wield powerful spells and enchantments in battle.
  • Choose one of five meditation paths, study the mysteries and learn special abilities.
  • Earn as many of our 200+ skill and achievement titles as you have time for!
  • Ride horses and other creatures, including bears, unicorns and even dragons!
  • Construct, crew or even captain ships with other players, from small rowing boats to impressive caravels.
  • Build a variety of structures, from guard towers to stone houses to fences, bridges and statues.
  • Found your own settlement wherever you desire; own land, build a farm, a castle, or perhaps an entire village!
  • Pave roads to connect settlements and plant signs to improve local infrastructure.
  • Live off the land by creating fields to farm up to 22 different crop types, ranging from cotton to cucumbers!
  • Cook nutritious food using a huge range of ingredients, explore different recipes and even create your own.
  • … and much more!
Release date
Code Club
Plug In Digital
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10
  • Processor: 2.6 GHZ Intel Core 2 DUO or equivalent AMD CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 4xx , Radeon HD 5xxx
  • Storage: 3000 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Java Version 8
  • OS: Windows 10 x64
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent AMD CPU
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
  • Storage: 3000 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Java Version 8

System requirements for Linux

  • Processor: 2.6 GHZ Intel Core 2 DUO or equivalent AMD CPU
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GT 4xx , Radeon HD 5xxx
  • Storage: 3000 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Java Version 8
  • OS: Ubuntu 14+
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent AMD CPU
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
  • Storage: 3000 MB available space
  • Additional Notes: Java Version 8
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Aug 5, 2023

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1 edit
Wurm Unlimited - Tutorial - Episode 1 - Introduction to Wurm Unlimited.
Oct 24, 2015
Wurm Unlimited | How To Get Started | The Basics
Jan 18, 2016
Gamer Guy Joe
Wurm Unlimited - Gameplay First Look
Nov 9, 2015
Vortac Vids
Wurm Unlimited - Should You Buy It?
Dec 23, 2015
Introduction to Wurm Online - The best sandbox MMO
May 15, 2015
Let's Play Wurm Unlimited: Episode 01 (The Virgin Lands!)
Jan 7, 2017
Gamer Guy Joe
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36,608 items
Wurm Unlimited - Follywood Ep1: Learning to Cook (Otherlands Server)
Wurm Unlimited Drake Fight: Sklotoplis
Wurm Unlimited, Looking to hit 30 Faith
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117 items

Wurm Unlimited reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
A very nice and cozy Game. The Learning Curve at THE Beginning is a little reminiscent of EVE, the Control is unintuitive at first Glance, the Graphics are not particularly beautiful and the Game Logic is not always comprehensible (why can't you light Wooden Objects? Why do I always need a Kindling to start a Fire if a Shaft would do it). Once you overcome this first Hurdle, you can have Hours of fun as long as you still have Ideas about what you could build. And here's the biggest Hurdle for the Game: The "Long-term Motivation" subsides, provided you've built your Ideas. This takes a While and so you end up with 100 + Hours on the Speedometer before you lose the Pleasure; Other Games cost double and give only half of Game time. If you have a small Group, the Game is a lot of Fun. On My own, I would not consider playing Wurm Online.
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Recycling the Type Of type as others have already noticed, the Game is already several Years old. You Can already see that from the Graphic. Nevertheless, the Game is still Fun. Many compare it to Minecraft. Is that perhaps Because the Notch has been involved here? With Minecraft, however, it really only removed something to do. In Worm Unlimited you can Craft what the Stuff holds. Building and Building and Building. If you want, you can even dig up the whole Map ... Worm Online is free but you could only level 20 after That You were asked to Pay. I played Worm Online for a long time and then stopped because of the Monthly Costs. With Worm Unlimited you pay once and can play on the many Servers. Why I recommend worm? 1. Worm is a Farm simulator 2nd Worm is a Construction Simulator 3. Worm is a Ship Simulator 4th worm is a Fishing Simulator and and ... So People who lust to build ... Buys it. And if You are still looking for a suitable Server, then check the server List for Koenigreich the Sky there you are welcome. Greeting FlandersLP
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Worm Unlimited ... Or more likely Bugs Unlimited? So far, more And more Bugs have been added with each patch than have been fixed, as the Developers obviously do not test new Features beforehand, but simply install them. This leads to Server Instabilities And other Problems that have already completely wiped out one or the other Worm Unlimited Server. Some Features just don't work at all either, as they were simply completely disabled when a Bug was found. Most of it has not been fixed to this day. There is a fairly active Modding community that strives to iron out the biggest Mistakes of the Developers, but this is complicated by weekly updates, as this makes the Mods incompatible again and again. To top it All off, these ' Updates ' also add more Bugs, and in most Cases do not even fix the Bugs mentioned in the Changelog. Examples of this would be the ' Mycelium Fix ' or the ' Model Format Update '. Both were not fixed until months ago. The Gameplay is outdated and the absolute Opposite of Beginner Friendly. It takes half An Eternity to understand how the largely Functioning. In addition, there is the absurd Combat System, which is actually completely unsuitable for PvP, because it only comes to who was grinning for longer. All in All, I can't recommend this Game, the same goes for the MMO Version "Worm Online," as there are the same problems there only in a larger Style.
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