This game was born at the CITM UPC Univesity's Game Jam organized by last-year students.
The game jam's theme was Paradox, so we decided to play with perspective. In this game, you are cube traped at a bidimensional world and can only see the world in perspective when you press the red button which reveals the trick of each level.
How to playController
[LB] & [RB] - Rotate perpective
[Right Joystick] - Move
[A] - Change Gravity
[ESC] - Rotate perpective
[A] & [D] - Move
[Ctrl] o [LClick] - Change Gravity
- Alex Morales
Github: Alexmg99
- Yessica Servin
Github: YessicaSD
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yessica-servin-dominguez/
- Pol Vazquez
Github: Amade128
- Himar Bravo
Gihub: Himar33
- Marc Pavon Llop
Github: Mackitus