Le Larraskito. Lurpeko Abenturak
Meet Mikel Xedh and Txaranga Urretabizkaia in this adventure and try to find Le Larraskito kluba in the real landscape. Le Larraskito is a venue in Bilbao that organizes concerts of experimental music.
You can fly or walk and speak to working microphones, pick objects, listen to strange music.
XBOX CONTROLLERlook + move directionsmouseright joystick
Speedmouse wheel
Fly or walk (toggle)
FXmovearrows/ ASDWleft joystickJumpspacebarASprintShiftpress left joystick
Voice delay
Microphone (built in)
Microphone (built in)
Made for tenderfootJam.
The game is playable but still in progress, so please comment for advice.