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Legends of Azulgar

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Legends of Azulgar- Space Conflict is a Sci-Fi Action oriented Sandbox Roleplaying game with strategic elements that puts you in command of a space ship, space station and a fleet in a massive sandbox universe. The game immerses the player in a fully interactive environment and a world rich in lore and Legends.

In 2XXX a terrestrial observatory on earth detected traces of an ancient signal from the distant solar system of Auriga. As the world's top scientists investigated, it started to become clear that this signal did not originate from a celestial anomaly - but from an artificial source.

With the signal now partially deciphered you are tasked with exploring this new and strange solar system and discovering the secrets of Azulgar and it’s mysterious signal.

Every shot matters - Legends of Azulgar is inspired by naval combat and focuses heavily on player ability with every weapon in action mode aimed and controller directly by the player. Carefully line up a torpedo strike to inflict maximum damage, lead your targets to ensure a crippling shell impact or charge in for close range combat.Bombard your enemy from afar with huge cannons!Launch precision torpedo strikes…

Will you be a space miner hauling asteroids with your grappling hook (yes.. a grappling hook! More on that later!) or an explorer attempting to discover the secrets of Azulgar...CombatSwitch on the fly and take control of a ship with your captain - pilot in action mode to directly impact the battle.

  • Skill-based Weaponry
  • Shields: Shields only activate when the player commands - and only face one direction.. use them wisely or get crushed by incoming fire.
  • Afterburners: Escape the battle or use them to close range and surprise your enemy - but remember afterburners have limited energy so don't get caught out.
  • Missile Defences: Torpedo's and missiles are a BIG problem.. but time your defences well to counter then with your ships mini-guns.
Captain customisationLevel up your captain and unlock new abilities and ways to customise how you play!

Special Cards (CyberSlots) that you can use to customize your captain.

  • Some cards will be rare to find and only drop from bosses or youd have to be really lucky to find them in your new card deck. Some will be more easier to find.
  • Captains drop these cards once their Bridge module is defeated and other players or NPCs can loot them.
  • Yes this basically means full loot pvp if you choose to play on such servers!
  • Some cards will have active abilities and cooldowns and some will have passive abilities that improve your ship behaviour all the time.
  • Players can choose to exchange cards or play a game of poker or dice for them in pubs or outside the game
  • Cards will also be trateable on steam workshop

SOLThe starting system of Legends of Azulgar and home to Earth, explore, fight and visit the very reaches of our solar system.

SOL will be the first system made available in the game starting with the Closed Alpha release and will be a rendition of our own solar system set within the lore of Legends of Azulgar. Mankind has reached and settled in space and now commands the technology to explore the universe - what will you do with it?

  • Planets
  • Asteroids
  • Factions
  • Trading
  • Combat
ARUGIAExplore the system of Arugia and uncover it’s past - what - or who? sent the signal that brought you here and what were their intentions?

  • Find Azulgar - a planet steeped in mystery located in a far away system and uncover the source of the signal that brought you to Arugia.
And perhaps more...

The Rift: Access another dimension.. Dark... dangerous… and far from empty... But can you turn this strange realm to your advantage?

  • Learn about the strange alien race The Morrids - investigate and even capture them as specimens.
  • Use the dimension to your advantage - disappear into the Rift and use it to strike from where they least expect.
Release date
Lusorion Creatives
Lusorion Creatives
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i3, AMD A4 X2
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT, AMD Radeon R5
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Processor: Intel Core i5, AMD Athlon X4
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX, AMD Radeon R7
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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Legends of Azulgar reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review Legends of Azulgara-very crude (at the time of writing this review) game. Note: The review is written in early access, and all of the following are relevant as of the date of writing. At The end of August \ Beginning of September of this year (2017) the developers have gathered and focused on updates, so this review, probably will be written down as the game changes. The Date of the game's release on its page was announced on July 5, 2017, although the game is in early access for at least a year and a half. At The time of writing this review is mid-July 2017, and all that is in the game is: a hangar in which you can assemble a station and a spaceship of ready-made blocks and one small solar system around which you can fly and beat meteorites and rare enemies . Multiplayer (and the game is more under it was intended) does not work, the possibilities of development and pumping are not made, the economy is not, there is virtually nothing to explore. As a result: The concept is generally interesting, but for a long time in the early access without strong progress in the development of the game, make the chances of its final output miserable. Now there is nothing to play, and hardly anything will change much in the near future. Although... Time will tell.
Translated by
Microsoft from Russian
Early Access Review is a Wildly crude product. From interesting-small possibilities of crafting and almost free customization of Drawing reminded Borderlands. The same, partly cartoon, dislike does not cause. The Soundtrack is quite good, though scarce. 1. Management. Very different (far not for the better) of any cosletalka. You can't control the mouse, it's a review. You can Shoot any way, regardless of where the ship will be rotated, even if you have a torpedo machine. Because of this, for the Most part, the first fight to win is very difficult. Going to the normal battle you will simply be removed in half a minute. Strafe here is just useless, because there is inertia and it is much more advantageous than a few shunting engines. 2. The Bugs. Horseradish with control, sorted out quickly, flew as an AU almost, mobs killed, which even the names exhibited crooked. Godzilla that flies not far from the station Zakal without difficulty, but there was nothing to stop there, but strange. I Decided to hook her up. I Started dragging to the station-the mass was not enough. Kaizyu disappeared, leaving me to fly with an elongated hook until I got out of the game. Before the exit flew to the point of interest, attacked the pirate, all my bullets flew through it, no matter how hard I tried. As A result, my ship just disappeared, when he knocked me all the guns and I'm on this stealth bucket with a still elongated hook flew to the station at a speed of 30ms. It'S been a long time. All this time I was chased by that pirate and tried to kill, but you can not kill someone who is NOT)). As A result, somehow having reached the station on an intuitive level I flew up to the hangar. The fool who chased me overtook me, flew into the hangar and crashed in it to the X * #м. of Course, I couldn't do it. We Wait for rebalancing and corrections.
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