Let There Be Nuts!

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This was my very first game jam submission ever! This is also the third game I've ever created in Unity. I wasn't able to officially start on this game until the third day of the jam. I spent the first day brain storming for ideas, but wasn't able to think of anything fitting for the theme. I was honestly feeling bummed out by the second day since I couldn't come up with a fun enough idea that would also be simple enough to develop. 

Eventually I came accross a Katamari video and thought a game like that would fit perfectly for a theme centered around chaos! I found out pretty early in development that the mechanics were simple enough to get working in ONE line of code. Just parent the object you collide with to your character, and it's easy sailing from there.

I believe the hardest part about developing this game was level design. I am HORRIBLE at designing levels. I think I spent about two to three days just finishing the layout and spreading out the props. That and Unity did not want to cooperate when building the game. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the game, be sure to share your highest score! (Although it's not too hard to absorb most of the map in 3 minutes hahah.)

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021

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