Loki's Binding
Loki's Binding is a short 5-10 minute choose-your-own-adventure story about Loki the trickster and Sigyn the victory goddess. Loki is bound in torment for betraying the Aesir gods. Sigyn, his wife, watches over him. She needs your help. Will you hold the bowl of poison? Or will you walk away?
Story by Oliver Leon Porter. Find more of my work here. Please consider tipping me on ko-fi to help fuel more work like this.
Cover image by Gersande Lafleche.
Inspiration for this game was from Bat Collazo's text "Holding the Bowl" in the anthology "Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional" edited by Bat Collazo. Thanks Bat!
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021
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