Lux Vex
Lux Vex
The Darkness is consuming all the light in the universe. Light beings have beamed to the Vro system where its sun is dying, their mission: to re-infuse the sun with light to eradicate the Darkness in the Vro solar system.
Lux Vex is a single player, low poly, sci-fi RTS where Light is pitted against Darkness. You have 20 minutes to link ALL the Ley-Lines with Light Wells and Light Towers to the Solar Accelerator on the map.
Input controls:
- W/A/S/D: Camera movement
- Left Mouse: Placement & selection
- Right Mouse: Cancel
- Middle Mouse: Rotate camera
- Mouse Scroll: Camera zoom
- Left-Ctrl & Scroll: Rotate structures
- Shift Button: Speed up Camera movement
- Escape: pause game / sub-menu
- J: destroys structures
- (click on the base of a command) + del: removes the command
- H: recenter camera on Control Crystal
Top stat bar (left to right):
- Crystal: for building structures
- Dark Souls: to be purified into Light workers
- Workers: count of your workers
- Light: all structures use light to push back darkness.
- Capacity: all structures drain light, Light wells increase both capacity and light regen rate.
Bottom buttons:
- For building structures and placing commands. They have UI info screens attached on mouse over.
Example play:
- At start of game place down a Light well structure on the white crack (Ley-Line) on the ground near your Control Crystal; this will increase your capacity and light regen.
- Place a purifier near the base, and place a light tower in any direction.
- Place a mining command next to the misty, blue mine to mine it's resources.
- Place a guard command near the 3 recently built structures.
- Wait until the first attack wave and use the guard command to defend.
- After attack, click at the bottom of commands + del key to remove the command.
- Then begin exploring by using the guard commands (scout command is kind of obselete at the moment)
- With your recently acquired souls (from the recent attack), begin spawning workers in the purifier. You can only build one at a time.
- Don't drop down too many commands and spread your workers thin.
- Don't create too many structures, until leylines have been found (scouted)
- The map is static, try again. =)
- Ley-lines, crystal, and Darkness, when out of site of a structure or worker, are hidden from view.
- Placing new commands re-distributes your workers.
- Try to kill Darkness near light structure to absorb their souls; souls are required for the Purifier structure.
- Don't adventure too far with your workers, try to keep them close (or return) to light structures; this will replenish their health.
- Light structures damage Darkness.
- Darkness swarms light, be prepared.
- Try to discover Ley Lines as fast as you can, they will increase your capacity and light regen rate.
- If you notice your light depleting quickly, destroy a couple light towers and try to scout out another ley-line.
- The sun on the top left corner of the screen is your time, watch that you don't run out of "Lux."
- Make sure a light tower doesn't get destroyed in the middle of a chain, as this cuts off power to other light towers which will eventually crumble.
- Creating workers cannot be queued, be mindful to create workers to defend and explore.
- The intro music has subtle time beats within.
- The Sun on the top left corner of the screen has a cool dying effect as the game progresses.
- The game scene gets progressively darker as the sun continues to die, which applifies the beams of light effect on all structures.
- The game music purposely starts light then gets serious.
- Some really cool effects on the low-poly structures.
- Pause / Win / Lose screen does not exit and may be formatted incorrectly.
- Still lacking some UI info pieces
- Mouse disappears on sub-menus
- Can't skip intro / tutorial
- Having 2 purifiers is useless at the moment
- Can't destroy enemy spawn points
- Scout command doesn't add much value at the moment
- Click mini-map does not take you to map area.
- Discovered resources don't remain visible.
- Creating workers cannot be queued.
- Don't place structures on commands, you may not be able to delete them.