Mad-Life 2: Fordon Greeman's Adventures in Crack Mesa Rederp Facility
Something has gone wrong in Crack Mesa. It was a normal day when employees were making wires. But little did they know that the wires were being made from a mysterious cursed pitch black mixture. For a moment, a few wires started to float pair together to make a ring in the air composed of their selves, and then turned into things called.... Hairballs. The legend says that hairballs are made of 100 ropes, each with 3 segments, and simulates them physically while moving them about, when they can actually KILL THINGS (in this game)!! The hairballs started to twirl around and spin in place, then for a split second flew away from each other. The employees started running out of the building, but got swarmed by the newly-called "HAIRBALL INVASION." Also, Fordon Greeman, you basically, were trapped at the time, now you MUST ESCAPE!