Mecha-Tokyo Rush
"In the year 16XX the city of Mecha-Tokyo has been infested with strange and powerful yōkai! Where did they come from and why are they destroying the city? It's up to Giga, Tera and the other super robots to find out and stop them!"
Mecha-Tokyo Rush is an on-rails action platformer with 8-bit inspired gameplay, retaining the challenging platform puzzles and boss fights to give you the depth and difficulty you'd expect from a game right out of the late 80s!
Mecha-Tokyo Rush is an on-rails action platformer with 8-bit inspired gameplay, retaining the challenging platform puzzles and boss fights to give you the depth and difficulty you'd expect from a game right out of the late 80s!
- 8 playable characters, each with their own weapons
- Dozens of new pieces of equipment to unlock
- Procedurally built levels
- Loads of unique enemies and boss fights
- ...and always more content coming soon!
System requirements for PC
- OS: Windows XP or later
- Memory: 500 MB RAM
- Graphics: DirectX 9 compatible graphics card
- DirectX: Version 9.0
- Storage: 27 MB available space
- Sound Card: DirectX 9 compatible
- OS: Windows 8 or later
- Memory: 500 MB RAM
- DirectX: Version 12
- Storage: 50 MB available space