Megaman Ancients
Megaman Legends 3 fan game! Eventually will be a proper boss gauntlet. Eventually eventually will be a proper game.
Kind of a mash up between Megaman Legends, Dark Souls, Super Smash Bros, and Zelda: BOTW in terms of gameplay and graphics.
Currently very early prototype. Work List:
1. Character controller: First draft finished, needs polish & bug fixes.
2. Character behavior system: cousin to the reaver behavior system, proc anim layers on top of keyframed base layer.
3. Camera Rig: First draft finished, needs polish & bug fixes
4. Reaverbot behavior system: Currently working on this. Will hopefully have generic and some specific reaver behaviors system in place by mid-end of february. Probably have to rewrite a lot of what I've got currently.
5. Level Design/World building: Make/find as much world info, narrative info possible to distill into the level design. Also figure out platforming along the way.