Metroid Fusion
While lending mission support on planet SR388, interstellar bounty hunter Samus Aran is attacked by an X parasite, an organism with the ability to mimic the abilities of any creature it infects. Near death, Samus is saved by a vaccine made from the DNA of the last Metroid--the X parasite's only natural predator. When the X spread to a research station in orbit around SR388, a weakened Samus is forced to exterminate them all...or die trying.
System requirements for Game Boy Advance
Last Modified: Feb 18, 2025
Where to buy
Nintendo Store
Metroid Fusion reviews and comments
It can be too linear at times, but the art direction and updates to gameplay from Super can not be ignored. It is basically Aliens Ressurection but good.
Looking forward to playing this as it's so highly rated. Writing's good, art is good, everything is some of the best I've seen in the metroid series, apart from level design and enemy design. Unfortunately, these are so bad they make the whole thing an absolute chore to play through, possibly the least fun I've had in a metroid game.
«Game over at last!»