Average Playtime: 6 hours

Super Metroid

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After having defeated Mother Brain, the leader of the Space Pirates who wanted to use alien creatures known as Metroids to dominate the world, the bounty hunter Samus Aran took the fight to the Metroids' homeland and eradicated them. Only a single Metroid larva remained. Samus took it to a galactic research station, and scientists assured her that the powers of the larva can be harnessed to help people. However, everything goes wrong when a dragon kills the scientists, takes away the larva, and destroys the research facility. Samus follows the dragon to the planet of Zebes, where she fought Mother Brain before. She must explore the dangerous planet, stay alive, and figure out a way to retrieve the larva.

Super Metroid is a platform game and a follow-up to Metroid II. Like the previous games in the series, it is not divided into separate levels; the planet Zebes is an open world which Samus traverses back and forth. This world is divided into rooms separated with doors which must be shot to be opened. Shooting is also used to open up secret passages, some of which contain nifty bonuses, but finding most of them is required to proceed in the game.

There are many items to find on the way, and each new item usually makes heretofore inaccessible areas available to Samus. The items include both weaponry (such as missiles, super missiles, or upgrades to Samus's standard laser gun), energy tanks that increase Samus' max health, and other gadgets (like a grappling hook that allows Samus to stick to the ceiling).

There are various enemies - alien fauna - lurking around planet Zebes. The enemies all respawn after re-entering a room, though Samus' increasing capabilities mean that they become easier to defeat as the player makes progress. After killing them, the enemies typically leave behind some health or ammo.

Release date
Intelligent Systems
Age rating
0+ Everyone

System requirements for Wii U

System requirements for Nintendo 3DS

System requirements for Wii

System requirements for SNES

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Last Modified: Jan 18, 2025

Where to buy

Nintendo Store

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Super Metroid reviews and comments

Peak bosses, Peak level design
«Blew my mind»
Still a masterclass on level design
Super Metroid is notorious for its bs mechanics. After playing through it, I can confirm this is true. There are points in the game that are actually impossible without tedious searching or a walkthrough guide. Despite these shortcomings, Super Metroid is a time-tested work of art that feels just as modern today as other Metroidvanias! The atmosphere is the classic 80s/Alien style dread and loneliness. The powerup progression is smooth and boss fights are menacing and impactful while remaining fair. I would recommend Super Metroid to anyone who enjoys Metroidvania style games.
Pretty solid. Gameplay flows nicely, with a solid blend of platforming, combat, exploration, and puzzle solving. Save points are placed intelligently, with a few annoying exceptions. I appreciate the lack of explicit direction; the game instead utilizes level design to guide the player. Nails the vibes. 
It's a weird feeling to play so many Metroidvania games before getting around to finally return to the source. Super Metroid must have felt so different in 1994. Hardly any story in a traditional sense to speak of throughout the entire game, but so dripping in an immersive atmosphere at the same time. Influence is an overstated feature of classic games, but it's such an obvious takeaway with Super Metroid. It directly led to the creation of Castlevania SOTN three years later, which led to a masterpiece like Hollow Knight 20 years after that. It created a genre of video gaming and ages in a way 99% of 16-bit and under games don't. Exceptional game and experience.
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