Monster Girls From Space
In alternate world where the monster girls take over the world and enslave humanity. The main protagonist hides in his moms basement from fear. For years he survives living off his basement food. As the human population decreases because by the lack of copulation. The protagonist has to take the world into his hands and save humanity, and maybe make a harem along the way. But monster-girls hate humans how would he intrigue them?
This is a submission to "GAMES MADE QUICK??? III" and isn't in its fully expanded state. None the less the game has a playable and (hopefully) enjoyable experience.
Heavily inspired by Monster Musume (Close to a fan game).
A game made by Nikita
Story concept:
- Feho
- Bhavan
- Patrick
- Nikita
Story writing:
- Nikita
Map design:
- Nikita
- Nikita
Moral Support:
- Milad
- Abdi
Music Used:
- Track: Ascence - Rules [NCS Release]
- Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
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