MORBSWEEPER is the GAME OF ALL TIME. Play as Dr. Michael Morbius, and suck your way to victory! This is a twisted version of MINESWEEPER. Click on a MORB to reveal what is underneath. BE CAREFUL. Some MORBS have a REVIEW BOMB under them, which will damage your Tomatometer score. AVOID THESE AT ALL COSTS! If you see a tile with a number, that means it's touching that many REVIEW BOMBS. Click carefully!
Advanced Minesweeper techniques like CHORDING are also possible.
Click here for a more in depth Minesweeper Tutorial/Guide.
RIGHT CLICK: MARK a MORB (This means you suspect it has a bomb under it, marking it makes it so you can't left click it until you UNMARK it.)
SPACE: Quick restart.
Clicking on MORBS quickly builds your MORB METER. Once your MORB METER is full, you enter MORB MODE. In MORB MODE you can build a COMBO by clicking on MORBS that don't have a bomb under them. But you have to be quick!
Try to finish the game without clicking on any REVIEW BOMBS! See if you can finish the game quickly! Good luck.
ART by LumpyTouch YouTube
CODE by qkjosh Twitter
MORBSWEEPER MAIN THEME by branflakes Youtube channel
MORBMODE THEME by hi5music Instagram
MENU THEME by PhillChabbb YouTube
How fast did you finish the game? What was your Tomatometer score? POST BELOW!