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Q: What is Morroblivion?
The Morroblivion project seeks to resurrect The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind into the more modern gaming engine of Oblivion. Our goals are to maintain the original experience with the ability bring to bring classic mods over such as Tamriel Rebuilt. While ownership of both games is required the user will experience Morrowind entirely in Oblivion.

Q: I haven't played in years, is there anything notable?
Today, Morroblivion is a fully playable, working game world. Quests, NPCs, creatures, items, and graphical features all have been painstakingly converted, upgraded and/or created by hand to bring a true-to-the-original experience that takes advantage of many of Oblivion's advanced features. Read here for information on the history of the 10+ years of work on the Morroblivion project.

Current Status (version 0.66)

Morrowind: 100% of the main Morrowind game has been completed, and is fairly well debugged (details here). There is very little that gets in the way of a complete Morrowind experience.
Tribunal: Main quest is complete and content is 99% complete (some fabricant creature models are not implemented) and playable. Side quests are 100% complete.
Bloodmoon: All quests are complete, including main questline, East Empire Company questline and various side quests.
Q: Is this the official site for Morroblivion?
Yes and No. This is a fan-created community and has no official connection with the original creator of Morroblivion, Galadrielle. As it stands today, however, slowly became the official website as years of development took place since v003 with two project branching off Skywind and Skyblivion. is NOT affiliated with Bethesda Softworks or their affiliates or related entities. Please see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page for other important information. provides a place for the modding community to download the latest version of the mod, talk about further development, and exchange images and videos. Please read the Chat and Forum Rules and the Disclaimer before you post content.

» Wasn't Morroblivion shut down by Bethesda?
In 2008 during the beginning of Morroblivion Development, The original thread was shutdown on the official Bethesda forums and hosting on Nexus was taken down at Bethesda's Request. Their reasoning was licensing issues with assets, specifically Morrowind assets in Oblivion.

These legal issues have been resolved with Bethesda Softworks and Morroblivion now requires an installer that verifies an original install of Morrowind and Oblivion.

Release date
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jun 29, 2023

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