It's a video game.
Traverse the obstacles placed in this world, or something like that.
Extra notes:
- A WebGL version and an exe version are both included. The game runs more smoothly in the file version and I believe it is more reliable, but the WebGL version has been implemented for accessibility purposes.
- If you're playing the WebGL version, there are a few things to note as the game was not intentionally adapted to it. For example, the level selection screen is somewhat broken, and the quit button doesn't function. If you refresh this page, your progress should hopefully be saved.
- I do not have experience with video game development, so it definitely has some flaws and will not provide the best gaming experience available.
- The music simply consists of a few short melodies I quickly threw together in Musescore.
- I think this project was too large for what experience I have, so the next projects I create will definitely be smaller.
- Please let me know if you have any feedback on this game. I might update it in the future.