Average Playtime: 4 hours

Nine Parchments

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Nine Parchments is a co-operative blast'em up game of magic mayhem from Frozenbyte!
A group of drop-out wizard apprentices decide to skip their training for a quick path to the Nine Parchments.
As the wannabe wizards rapidly discover powerful new spells and ignore all safety aspects, it's natural that their hasty progress results in lots of unwanted deaths...Features Wield the power of the elements and master a diverse and ever-changing arsenal of spells
Unlock new playable characters, wizard hats and magical staves
Level up and train your characters in the magical arts, but choose your path wisely!
Battle strange creatures and mighty bosses in a breathtakingly beautiful world, set in the Trine universe
Online and local co-op with 1-4 players

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows

System requirements for PlayStation 4

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Last Modified: Jan 2, 2025

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PlayStation Store
Nintendo Store
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      Nintendo UK
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      Nine Parchments reviews and comments

      Translated by
      Microsoft from French
      Is it nine parchments? Briefly: No. It is rather beautiful graphically but the dev have not trampled to make the game comfortable and attractive. No will to stand out. + + + Positive points + + + _effects of spells very well realized, it is rather beautiful and fluid _dash with 2 loads of use to get out of dangerous situation and makes the game dynamic _ System of summarrection pretty nice, force to play in Group and kite the enemies if not "YOU DIED" _ bosses with skills that make the fight really interesting _ the variety of enemies _ game pretty fast in its gameplay _ nice graphics, the background of maps is interesting _ combine the spells of the players by overlapping---negative points---very fast levels in themselves: it's really not long _ game system "corridor": much too blatant and simplistic _ a character who will never change the face, and very little choice of customization to the discovery of the game. This is due to the fact that a part is with a unique character, so even if we have developed cosmetics in the course of the game and return to the main menu to reload then the part it is not possible to equip the new items recently acquired. _Bestiary that updates only after encountering the enemies: so basically have info that players have the possiblity to consult them only back to the main menu (so when everyone wants to stop playing...) it's really practice (cynicism)... _scenario or narrative frame non-existent, really boat, very little detailed, limit on balek. 3rd factor that ruins the immersion _ displacement of the disgusting characters: they make Moonwalk (yes because we move with ZQSD and we orient the character with the smile), it's funny but rather dumb. _IMMONDE gaming camera: it follows the majority of the members of the group who are closest to each other, see-even a single member of the group. Suddenly the one or those who are the most distant are "out of field" at the edge of the screen and are only indicated by a bubble with a count of 5sec before the death of the player... It's UNBEARABLE, I swear. Even DOTA 1st of the name did not have this ♥ ♥. I let you imagine how many times you can get out of the frame in combat, fall off a cliff or just die with the timer... Sadism on the part of the developers or a lack of logic? Business to follow... of all the negative points the camera is the worst factor that ruins the immersion _playground ridiculously small: the term "corridor" really takes its meaning when you are aggro by mobs on bridges or in... Corridors. Just as most "wide" spaces are still too small for 4 players as well as Lea 15aine of mobs that go pop. And impossible to zoom out the camera, don't even think about it. _The lack of puzzles, of interactions: all these little tricks that make the game less linear, it is really ultra-rush as game in the end, we take the time to not appreciate anything (knowing that we do not appreciate much because it is empty). There's just a number of stupid feathers that can be recovered in every level, nothing to think about (we're not supposed to be magic scholars?...). _Unequipable cosmetics: we have them with the progression of the game but we can not put them. As I have already explained, once the character created at the beginning of the game in co-op it is no longer POSSIBLE to edit its appearance, even if the game is saved and reloaded afterwards. _ Characters boring to unlock because it is related to the challenges achieved, as well as to the level of progression _the infernal Teamkill (especially to 4players) with AOE: they would at least have been able to make sure not to be able to TK allies with AOE. In hard difficulty it becomes really unbearable. _The jumps of the characters: that do not serve much, only to avoid the AOE on the ground. Forget that you can jump or Dasher through walls of ice or other, "it works Po". _Few different spells in the end, we unlock every 36 of the month. _The progression of a character is his own, as possible to have a global progression, the game forces the players to be PL or to repeat the game several times _Decorations repetitive (even if it is rather beautiful) _ the combined spells are only " Ghostbuster laser "it's interesting on paper, but it's always the same. In short, it is only worth €5 in the current state, I am sure that the game will have no big patch to correct the camera as well as the customization of the character locked as soon as the creation. Game almost to avoid very frankly, I am very disappointed, even having had it on sale at €5 and even if we get bored a bit by making the idiots to shoot themselves with the spells... Nan for your good: go your way, this game is not good.
      I wasn't able to play this with others. Some area were tricky without multiplayer but I enjoyed the balance of being offensive and defensive.
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